Sunday, April 20, 2014

spot garden

i thought some one else had come to the conclusion plants in planters are not attractive after the first few days. sufficient but inadequate watering slowly withers but does not kill them, rain ruins the blossoms, and then some people pull them out of the pots for a thrill. so when i went by this i thought someone had thought an apron of fabric would hide the soil and make a more attractive display around the willow canes than the usual flower planting. then a few days later someone took the wrappers off to show what was under them. it is the only planting ive seen this done for.



Friday, April 18, 2014


ruins of toronto, tommy thompson park. a piece of concrete with semicircular fluting, similar to what may be found on the columns of some classical euroese architecture.



Wednesday, April 16, 2014

sitwells garden dreams


“But the traveller who has wandered here alone on a drowsy afternoon does not linger to hsten to the trickle of the fountain and the murmuring of the bees. From below the threshold of the mind a strange sense of hidden danger oppresses him, an instinct neither to be reasoned with nor to be understood. Can there be brigands yet in the forest heights, or is the place haunted by shades of the soldiers who once fell in battle about the pool ? He waits and wrestles with his folly, then sadly descending the slippery stairways leaves cooling fount and shaded alley for the torrid sunshine of the outer world.


It is death to sleep in the garden.”


Excerpt From: Sitwell, George Reresby, Sir, 1860-1943. “An essay on the making of gardens; being a study of old Italian gardens, of the nature of beauty, and the principles involved in garden design.” London, J. Murray, 1909. iBooks.

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Monday, April 7, 2014

lurking threat assessment

that time in the year 1991, when i was watering plants in offices for a pittance. one day while at the ganz toy company a guy asked me into the big central office, phoned the greenlife plant care company and began making a scene over wether or not they did background checks on their employees, for all he knew i might be a terrorist because they didn't send their employees out in a proper company uniform.

this could be used as an opening incident in a story. a way of showing how a group that sets people up as terrorists, and how they do it, is discovered in canada. they select someone from their list of targets and then go around to where the person works showing fake documents and spreading misinformation about thit. in this case the owner of the toy company the target is watering plants at gets a phone call telling him that the person who is there in the office watering the plants has been identified by one of the many surveillance agencies as a secret anti-semetic terrorist which leads to the owner making a call to the plant care company to make a complaint about their employee not wearing an uniform, and asking about what background checks they do to make sure their employees are not criminals or even more important to make sure their employees have no radical or terrorist background. similar suspicious activity at other places he maintains the office plants leads him to think someone is trying to make trouble for him.



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

sitwells water colour secret


“Elsewhere the designer may prefer to play with the colour of water, seeking to reproduce those lovely hues of blue and green which the Italians of an earlier age caught and fixed in garden reservoirs, and even in small fountain basins. Water absorbs the red rays of the spectrum and is therefore a blue transparent medium, its colour when distilled being a tint of Prussian blue, as may be seen in the pure ice of the glacier crevasses. All that is necessary to bring out the natural beauty of the element by transmitted light is, firstly, a flood of strong sunshine; secondly, to look down from above as nearly vertically as possible ; thirdly, to cut off reflections of the sky by trees or hedges or other dark objects. Suspended particles of glacier dust or chalk or lime add much to the brilliance of the effect, and in a country where the stone is red or yellow should give a tint of green or purple or violet. In England one may sometimes see blue or green pools at the bottom of a deserted stone-quarry : if experiment should show that good colour is unattainable at a higher level under these[…]”


Excerpt From: Sitwell, George Reresby, Sir, 1860-1943. “An essay on the making of gardens; being a study of old Italian gardens, of the nature of beauty, and the principles involved in garden design.” London, J. Murray, 1909. iBooks.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014