Friday, May 29, 2015

pigeon of the week

wall pigeon surveys the edward street vista.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

lurking mysterious reflection

that time i bought some suede cord from the bead seller who had his cart at the sam the record man store. he measured out the cord picked a pocket knife up and just as he made a slice through the cord he made a panicked look at something or someone behind me as he was slipping the knife through the cord and cut his finger, a deep enough cut to drip blood.

how this could be used in a fiction. some one being followed by a gang of rogue csis agents who have escaped their oversight escorts.

this person stops to buy some cord at a jewelry sellers cart out side of the sam the record man store. as the vendor is measuring out the cord the persons eyes are caught by some movement in the reflection of a window behind the vendor (maybe it was a mirror hanging on the vendors cart) it is a person standing behind him on the corner of the sidewalk on the opposite side of the side street off of yonge. the mysterious person is motioning to the vendor and pointing to the person he is serving.

he's seen that face before and thinks "could that person be one of the rouge csis agents or one of their organized crime assets or one of their oversight escorts thinking they would find the agents they oversee if they found the person the agents were following ?". he makes a quick mental sketch of the shape of the lurkers head and face as well as where the main features are for later comparisons and turns his attention to the vendor.

when the vendor looks up and sees the person on the corner of the sidewalk make the strange gesture to him he gets a panicked look on his face, looks at the customer looks back across the street then fumbles with the penknife he is using to cut the cord so it slips and cuts the underside of his wrist.


Monday, May 25, 2015

overexposure of the week

north wall of the cactus room at allen gardens.

the garden as a lawn with a couple of trees and herbaceous perennials. all being a garden because of a wall behind them.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

overexposure of the week

part of the war memorial on the west lawn of st.james cathedral garden. above the pointed arch, the niche with a rounded arch, filled with two columns that from a distance seem to be an ankh sign.



tulips near the south porch of St.james cathedral.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

pigeon of the week

spring squab, not fully fledged.

laying on driveway off of queen near gladstone.

from the way it's internal organs exit from out the back it seems to of first been run over by a vehicle exiting the parking lot.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

found kitchen toy

while browseing google images for (ultrasonic) scent diffusers this picture of a fridge deodorizer was included, one of the anomalies that never fail to make image searches interesting.

the coffea scent diffuser, a small shallow cup with a lid perforated with many holes, filled with coffea grounds and hung in a fridge from one of the wire shelves by the hook on top of the diffuser. it may clear the fridge of odours or cover them up with cold coffea odour.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

overexposure of the week

lillies of the valley and flowering onion shadows.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

yellow white and green

yellow and white iris in a community flower bed along the side walk of princess street on the esplanade.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

puereh stiletto

Chinese tea paraphernalia at aliexpress for puer-eh tea drinking. a needle with a solid wood handle and a solid wood sheath to match it. made specially for prising apart the compressed loaves of fermented tea leaf before adding them to water.

Monday, May 11, 2015

sun trap for the condemned

found this sun trap while browsing Google for image of ruins from World War Two.

the image leads back to a blog titled atlas obscura, posts that regular travel type blogs would not report on because of the obscure or obscene material.

a bench would be all wanted to rescue the above booth of death it from its morbid use and turn it into a spot sheltered from wind and rain while giving a place to sit in the sun.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

memorial brick

memorial brick on the inside west wall of the south porch of st. james cathedral at king and church streets, toronto.

fragment from st. jamess church picadilly which was severely damaged in the air raids on london in october 1940


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

spring catnip

cat nip among fragments of concrete at tommy thompson park.

classical pilasters

an example of diminution in the pilasters framing the entrance to a warehouse on king street near sherbourne. one of the very rare examples of diminution found applied to columns and pilasters in this city.

link to a paper on diminution in renaissance pilasters.

Friday, May 1, 2015

townscape--keyhole and picture frames

an example of townscape at a toronto community housing building near scadding avenue and sherbourne street. the photos show a connecting passage or gateway that marks the change from a more public area to the north of buildings and the less public south garden.

a combination of two passage types written of by ivor dewolfe in the book Italian townscape. the keyhole passage which has a roof covering and the picture-frame passage, three of them visible in the photo, which would not have the ceiling cover in its pure form.