Monday, September 28, 2015

what world do you live in? chris gardian


I found this documentary during a search for information on the g20 incident of 2010. part of the narrative explains the death of chris gardian.

the last time I saw chris gardian he was sitting at a window table of the pizza pizza on cumberland street, that was some time in 2010 or 2011, if the later date it may of been a ghost.

I was coming out of the mall on my way to the reference library across the street and he was sitting there in the pizza pizza with another guy. which I thought strange when I recognized the other guy as the same who one day in 1990 or 1991 approached and spoke to me as I was sitting at a north west door of the reference library. chris and the other guy looked in my direction as though they had been waiting for me, I pretended I didn't see them.

chris lived at sixteen chandos, a crc property, for a while his residence overlapped with mine. reading the articles on the incident with police of the fouteenth division which happened six days before his death reminded me of an incident that happened in 2005, not too long before he moved out of the house.

another tenant at 16 chandos, peter larsen had a friend with a son, chris got the friends son a job with his friend scott. not long after that larsen came home one night and began screaming at chris, something about getting the son of his friend in trouble, something to do with drugs. he called the police and they came, at which time larsen made an excuse about overreacting, thanked the police and saw them off from the front door.

when they had gone I could hear larsen calling up to chris who was in his room, larsen was laughing, telling him see what I can do, you better do what I tell you or else, something to that effect. next time I call they might do something. I've called once, they have it on record now, you heard what he said "if you need to just call" they will come. seemed to me some game larsen liked to play, if there were others involved i have no proof.

peter who in the dead of winter when he was laying on the front sidewalk wailing about wanting to die, chris went out and sat with him till the ambulance came.

I don't know if it happened at the same night peter called the police, but around that time chris told me peter had shoved him against his bedroom door and he was almost ready to shove him back but thought with peters weight he might go back break the railing and fall down the stair well and then he would be the one who would be in trouble for assaulting peter. almost as like peter was trying to get chris to do something he could have him arrested for. chris had restraint.



Thursday, September 24, 2015

september garden--laurentian cathedral

september afternoon in the garden of the laurentian-cathedral. grasses ornamental, black eyed susan, mullian and a single pink rose.


Friday, September 18, 2015

new sculpture--yonge bloor

august september installation in the sculpture garden at yonge and bloor.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


a landmark on the giant scale,

the view of downtown yorkgentle from the tommythompson breakwater.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

folly--scadding avenue

folly as the entrance porch of an apartment.