Friday, September 30, 2016


cecil beaton, british photographer of the twentieth century. photographed with a peacock.

at the getty image gallery which claims to have no photos of cecil beaton.


Thursday, September 29, 2016

pattern language--cross roads

criticisms of a t junction in halifax by a planner who's heart seems set on replaning what he thinks a defect. i can't find statistics on vehicle and pedestrian accidents for halifax so don't know if the claims made are based on recorded incidents or sensationalism. the city has set the process for replaning in motion.

this type of cross road was given some praise in the 'pattern language' ( number 50 ) as a way of preventing some of the problems claimed for the junction in halifax. maybe there is something different about the windsor-chebucto-cunard junction that causes accidents rather than prevents them as other t junctions seem to.


chris hyndman--death of a sleepwalker(one)

i found this anonymous review of a new book by pius nesapius about the death of chris hyndman in a recent issue of the arkham readers post. it is more a collection of reading notes held together with excerpts from the book than a review. having read and reviewed some of nesapius works in the past i found it interesting to read another's persons thoughts on a topic and author i have a familiarity with. not having read this book i can't say how fair some of the comments made by the anonymous reviewer are.

i can say nesapius is no stranger when it comes to the topic of mysterious deaths, in his 2005 study of the events surrounding the 1995 suicide of ex csis agent tony iachetti he concluded iachetti did not suicide, but was executed by nato special forces for allegedly selling csis case files to organized crime and or rogue gladio operatives for use in gangstalking, extortion, and the creation of a strategy of tension. that strange tale raised more questions than any it answered, as does his newest book which describes the death of canadian television celebrity chris hyndman.



death of a sleepwalker, the conspiracy to occult the murder of chris hyndman. pius nesapius, landbaybooks. $63.00 (dollars canadian).

recently some writers have been making a living by reporting on naturally occurring deaths as though they were murders of conspiracy. one such incident occurred less than a year ago in a neighborhood of torontos east side. the following notes will focus on this conspiracy murder phenomena in a recently published book about that death.

a year ago, 2015, around the eleventh hour of the evening of august third, a lifeless body was found laying in a side lane off broadview avenue a few minutes walk south of its intersection with queen street. the police arrived and began investigating, within less than an hour the body was identified to the news media as canadian celebrity chris hyndman.

hyndmans death was followed by all the usual rumours that accompany a celebrity demise, even those with less tragic circumstances. was it accidental, did he suicide, could it of been murder. a year has passed since that night and as the first anniversary of hyndmans death nears a new book, the first as far as i know, tries to answer the unanswered. death of a sleepwalker; the conspiracy to occult the truth about chris hyndmans death, by pius nesapius, covers all the usual conspiracy themes in relation to hyndmans death and comes to a rather theoretical conclusion, for nesapius something not at all unusal.

nesapius introduces this latest book with some background on his research of the canadian intelligence agency, csis, at the time of hyndmans death. specifically their use of clothing in counterintelligence stalking.

"... and in mid june of 2015 with that out of the way, i returned to working on another book, a book i had been labouring at on and off for maybe the better part of ten years. attempting to find the patterns of parallel constructions used by police, rcmp and csis, the canadian intelligence agency, to disrupt people they deemed suspicious and want to question but have not enough evidence to obtain a court issued warrant to do so. i selected one element in their method, the use and reuse of clothing during surveillance and i was approaching that place in my researches where i had interviewed enough contacts who had been through or were at the time experiencing counterintelligence costume-stalking and had amassed from them enough material to perceive how these costume-operations are planned and some of the uniquely canadian disruption tropes used in overt surveillance."

what nesapius refers to here in general is a surveillance technique which for lack of a better term some refer to as counterintelligence stalking. this is that long term form of surveillance which seems to defy the point of that activity in that it aims at having the person under surveillance become aware thit is under surveillance. and specifically his research of one way they do this is using a piece of clothing worn by different harasseurs in different places.

he then explains the series of phone calls that brought chris hyndman to his attention.

"on july the twenty first i received a call from a person identifying himself as chris hyndman the canadian lifestyle guru. he claimed to have volunteered to represent a group of like minded people who had something they needed to tell me about gangstalking. he didn't say how many or who the other like minded people were and he didn't give me any information on what part of counterintelligence stalking he had information about, but as a slave of the industrial entertainment industry he would have seen or experienced it up close and possibly at first hand. ... did I have whistle blower on my line, he may of been another csis asset sent to infiltrate my investigations on their counterintelligence work. ... the possibility of another attempted set up of by csis wasn't out of the question, undoubtably they knew of the recent interviews i had been conducting for my book and hyndman could be one of their damnable informants sent to plant disinformation or play a part in an entrapment." ... "it wouldn't be first time csis tried to entrap me." ...

hyndman was unwilling to discuss much over the phone and nesapius was unwilling to meet in private as desired by hyndman so they compromised and decided to meet at a cafe in a couple of weeks time.

... "we made an appointment to meet next month, august the fourth, one or two days after hyndman would of returned from vacationing on the island of bermudas. ... on the third i retired to bed early in cautious anticipation of the morrows interview. rising at five i was making my morning tea (english breakfast and chamomile blossoms sweetened with the darkest amber honey alberta can provision) and had the local sensationalist radio 680 newsspeak tuned in on the iPad. among the other news of the morning they were talking of a body found in a toronto side lane the previous night, somewhere in the east side of toronto about a mile from where i live." ...

... "i was going over my notes for the interview with hyndman and wasn't listening close, the news announcers must of repeated the piece about the found-body two more times in the next thirty minutes, in that way they do, before it dawned on me the name of the person found in the lane way off davenport was chris hyndman. yes the same world famous in canada life style guru, out and proud married to another man, homosexual chris hyndman. the same hyndman i had an appointment with later that day to discuss what he knew of gang stalking." ...

... "well that wasn't going to happen now. the questions i had prepared the previous week, who was this group he was speaking for, would they be willing to meet with me or was he to be the go between them and myself and was he and the group being stalked or were they involved in stalking other people, were now to be unanswered. i sat there looking at the tea in my cup becoming tepid and my mind began brewing phantasms of conspiracy, ... you know the conspiracy thing has you in its slimy blood caked claws, when your first thoughts about any set of coincidental events are its a conspiracy. that's what comes from being so involved investigating the world of counterintelligence one starts seeing conspiracy everywhere and in the most unlikely events." ...

... "i was brought back to reality by the ringing of my iPhone. the caller was one of the targeted people i had interviewed for the book on costume stalking i was in the midst of drafting. this person i had interviewed several times over the years, most recently a month ago. he said he had something i might be able to use, when could we meet, the sooner the better. "have you heard about that interior decorator the police found dead in an alley at queen and broadview?." yes i did, adding i was supposed to interview him today about something connected to gangstalking. my caller laughed out loud, "then you'll get a kick out of what ive got to tell you, when can we meet? the sooner the better!" ...

we next find nesapius waiting for his contact at a cafe under surveillance by one or more of the thousands of informants he claims are employed by csis in coffea shops throughout toronto.

... "i was to meet and talk about gangstalking with christopher hyndman today, but he was dead, and now in place of that interview i was sitting in a cafe waiting for one of my contacts who seemed to be hinting that he had information pertaining to hyndman." ...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

julius evola--ruin

julius evolas crooked lines at quoteaddicts.

that quote in which julius evola uses the word ruin to reference social institutions and traditions of the euroese civilization.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

walled towns--indestructible

"the old ideals are indestructible; they survive through the scorching of suns and the beating of tempests and as ever they are omnipotent when they are rightly used." ralph adams cram. walled towns.

from a book by ralph adams cram titled walled towns. the author describes what he defines as a walled town and finds something to recommend in a revival of walled towns as a solution to modernism.

the entire text of walled towns can be read online or downloaded free at

Sunday, September 25, 2016

pattern language--tree places

pattern number 171 at the east end of queen street, along the water front park by the boatshed.

Friday, September 23, 2016

step garden

currys art supply store on queen west near gladstone avenue. a single branch of ivy making a garden of the steps.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


view of an accidental water garden at the lane way intersecting maitland street off of yonge.

interesting for the way the curve of the eaves drain on the wall along maitland is repeated at a different plane in the curve of the concrete curb moulding against the lower part of the wall along the alley.


Monday, September 5, 2016

something about peacocks

"the peacock. we were driving through the jungle. it was not thick and presently we caught sight of a peacock among the trees with its beautiful tail outspread. ... i have seldom seen a sight more thrilling than that peacock threading its solitary way through the jungle. my companion told the driver to stop and seized his gun. ... we ate the breast for dinner that night. the flesh was white, tender and succulent; it was a welcome change from the scraggy chickens which are brought to the table evening after evening in india."

w.somerset maugham, a writers notebook.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

wild grasses

a blog devoted to the wild grasses of ontario. some other plants get mention but the most of the blog goes on and on about the beauties of wild grasses.


Friday, September 2, 2016