Sunday, June 25, 2017


lower end of sherbourne, a wall garden at one of torontos hydro stations.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

seedaholic--leaf celery

seedaholic, that internet site devoted to garden seeds. found it while doing an image search for celery vases. a picture of a garden with text mentioning leaf celery came up with all the images of the vases.

leaf celery being the third type of celery. the other two being the well known stem and globe ( celeriac ) celerys.

seedaholic is devoted to unusual and rare seeds, like cutting leaf celery. the online catalog lists the seeds and other gardening items they sell.

leaf celery can be used in all those recipes that the herbs parsley and cilantro have monopolized for a long time.

but the question must be does it taste as delicious as the few blanched leaves one finds at the heart of stem celery.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

how long ago ago

that web site howlongagogo. found it being used on a youtube video. howlongagogo is a type of chronologer, type in a date and it shows how long ago that day was. how many seconds ago, minutes ago, days ago, weeks, months and years ago. a bonus, it can also find what day of the week the day was, all seven of them. (? why don't we have names for the weeks of the year ?)


Sunday, June 11, 2017

jouberts notebooks

taking note, a blog on taking notes and other note taking people and things. found the blog doing a search for an online text of jouberts notebooks which i had seen recently at a bookstore. joubert was a french researcher who never wrote a book but kept notes of the things he thought of and which he could of used as the materials for writing a few books, but never developed them beyond notes.

however these are not raw notes. joubert seems to have spent the time he could of been writing going over and over his collection of notes till the rough edges were worn down and the surfaces of the thoughts became somewhat polished. or this is the effect that come across in the translations into english.

taking note, notes on different note taking methods, notes on things authors have written on notes or notes on the way those authors wrote their own notes. notes on pens and pencils, the blogger has a small collection of them. notes on other things related to note taking, lap pads and old writing boxes people kept paper and pens in and could also use as a lap desk. a lot of the bloggers notes are short reviews of computer apps for taking notes.


transparency garden

allotment garden viewed through transparency of iron fence and wild grape vine.

toronto gardens--allotment gardens

classical combination of two crops of the euroese cultures found growing outside of the allotment gardens at he south end of leslie street.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

vicks sniffing addicts

that blog ostrander bellepoint, blog of charming essays, found it when i did a search for vicks vapourub. ostrander bellepoint came up because of an essay on the miraculous effects of this ordinary nonprescription over the counter or off the shelf medication.

the author writes of his childhood experience with vicks and recounts the many other ways to use vicks he has come across in his life and at the last he reveals a very secret use he was warned against telling to others.

glistening petroleum jelly, the finest menthol, eucalyptol, camphor, essence of turpentine and a few minor ingredients constitute the medicinal rub all contributing to a miracle greater than the sum of their parts. the miracle that most interested me was the very secret one of inhaling the vicks vapours directly from the blue jar.

of course i had done this, hold the open jar near my nose but only for a whiff and then i extracted some with my finger, rubbed it on my chest and feet even sometimes all over most of my epidermis, and then i closed the jar to save the vapours for the next rubdown. but i had never held the jar to my nose for five minutes, even longer, in order to receive the alleged full benefits of the miracle.

when inhaling from the jar the effect seems concentrated on the lungs and the back of the soft palate. i fell asleep with the jar at my nose and awoke maybe thirty minutes later, a slight headache followed after this, from the cobalt blue fumes or the awkward way i was laying on my side to keep my nose against the jar while i was asleep. this passed and never recurred as long as i only inhaled for the prescribed five minutes.

it worked well enough.

to the many side effects the cojitator of ostrander bellepoint repeats i would add one. he mentions and other sources on the internet confirm vicks as a rust protection on metal tools. it does this by excluding humidity from rusting the metal.

the petrojelly does this but so does camphor oils, and i wonder may it also prevent the oxygenation process in the blood. would it attach to the iron in the blood and prevent it from its temporary bonding with oxygen which transports it to the cellular mass of the body. something to consider along side the other dangers ostrander mentions.


Monday, June 5, 2017

townscape--still life


csis of the night

( one of many videos documenting the cointelpro of the times at the youtube channel of opcatalyst )
evening in toronto, the streets come alive with the harasseurs of the night. as the sun sets and the moon becomes zenith in the darkening sky, the approaching rattle of loose change can be heard, perhaps it's the coin cup lady.
across the street at the starbucks on the corner of yonge and carltona gang of csis psyop harasseurs have gathered with the high tech baggage of the security state.
concealed inside their luggage are the tools of gangstalking, the microwave equipment designed to locate targeted people by their bio signature.
another night of weaponized stalking and drug dealing will follow under the protective eyes of torontos police department.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

toronto tree canopy

toronto tree canopy maintenance.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

ttc mural

mural panels from the 1970z or 1980z at the platform level of the queen street subway station.