Friday, September 28, 2018

operation perfect vision

operation perfect vision

the public has some information on the existence of influencing machine technology and other electromagnetic weapons but it remains for them a deus ex machina motif from hollywood movies.

this will change soon enough, a demonstration of the above mentioned technology will be given in such a way that even the millions will have to conclude the technology exists and has and is being used against them.

this demonstration has been named operation perfect vision, a demonstration of the influencing machine technology everyone suspects exists but have to feel with their own bodies to accept it is being used. one which will make it clear it has been used for decades.

the influencing machine has been tested in labs and put in use on the battlefield and the streets for some time now.

television and movies have made most people familiar with the idea of a machine that can non lethally, so they say, take out an enemy target by making them physically weak and mentally deranged. but the possibility that they are being used regularly has not yet entered the minds of the public except maybe as a joke or a movie plot.

can you handle perfect vision?

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Thursday, September 27, 2018


blue construction tarp draped over construction material.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


tree of heaven growing from the roof of a building along edward street off yonge.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

w.h.auden—anger please

w.h.auden—anger please

"if there are any souls in hell, it is not because they have been sent there, but because hell is where they insist upon being."

w.h.auden. anger-the seven deadly sins.

one of the sentences from the last paragraph of audens essay on anger.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018

influencing machine and white guilt

influencing machine and white guilt

is the influencing machine being used to create white guilt?

the influencing machine is a device that sends out electromagnetic emotion beams which change a humans own electromagnetic field of emotions.

they can use it to make the part of the brain that feels guilt to become active even when there is nothing to feel guilty about.

then the fake guilt can be used to create division and disruption in society. perhaps form a cult of anti whiteness and self hatred from the white guilt.

it is used with the voice to skull setting to send silent sound messages saying how a euroese person should feel guilt about others not being white and to do something about it if they want the guilt feeling to be lowered but not goe away completely.

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

cyril connolly—the secret of art

cyril connolly—the secret of art

( cyril connolly makes an educated guess on the true nature of the secret of art.  )

"but the secret of art? there have been so many infernos and so few paradises in european art that the infernos would seem our true climate. yet those who have survived satanism, war or passion have cared only for paradise. in that sense religion is the sequel to art and the sequel to love, as paradise regained follows half-heartedly after paradise lost."

cyril connolly, the unquiet grave.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


how many romanians does it take to turn a minivan around?

Friday, September 7, 2018

toronto street car

spider web in an open window of ttc street car.