Monday, November 28, 2011
james reynolds--andrea palladio
''the detail most used by palladio in all manner of buildings he called his "winged device". actually this reference is to the window that has become synonymous with the name of palladio down the years. as time went on, however, this immensely versatile man found many more ways of expressing the quality of "lift" and airiness that he so much admired.
''key stones over windows became winged. arched doorways sprang into being, full winged as the victory of samothrace. colonades threw crescent-shaped arms in a gesture of welcome from either side of the main bulk of the house. drawings for pillared porticoes, as in the villa giovanelli, were altered from the usual straight line and given wings, imparting an indescribable quality of grace to the whole frontage.''
james reynolds, andrea palladio and the winged device.