Tuesday, April 24, 2012

shape of unintentional provocation

not an interpretation of a beckett play at vectorbelly.

'' my aim here will be to examine the respects in which the augustine paradox imitates the "shape" of waiting for godot, is in fact a perfect working modle of the play's structural dialectic. ... put simply, the essay is an examination of the ways shape matters in godot. ... i am not concearned with the poetry in the language, or with an interpretation of the play but with the structure of its intelligibility. in fact, if we were to condense godot to a graphic illustration of itself, it might resemble a highly "sucessful" rorschach blot. i have in mind the simple wonder of the blots appeal: like found art, it is unintentionally provocative. ... i am hardly implying that beckett, or any playwright, could be unintentionally provocative with any sucess. what i mean is that the shapes and subshapes in godot behave as if they were.''

bert o. states, shape of paradox: an essay on waiting for godot.