Tuesday, October 30, 2012

canadian correctness

one year while living as a tenant in the rooming house i had some potatoes that had sprouted in the cupboard as it was spring and I was taking care of the yard for the landlord i thought of my great aunt who always planted potatoes in the front yard of her house in regina and decided these would goe in the front yard of the rooming house, along the sidewalk to the road. one day several months later I was in the backyard with another tenant and thit brought up the potatoes out front, at the first I thought the comment was a nod of approval, then I understood it was meant as a criticism as thit went on to say thit was concerned what the neighbours might think of potatoe plants in the front yard. thit added that maybe because they were ethnic canadians they might find potatoes in the front yard offensive or unsightly in the culture they come from.

I thought maybe they had said something to thit about it but from other things that tenant had said over the previous year i decided thit simply was too concerned about others, thinking every little thing one does has to be checked with a comittee. so i said I didn't give a fuck what the neighbours thought of the potatoes in the front yard it's not their yard, it's the landlords and the landlord hasn't said any thing but good things about having a tenant do the yard maintenance.

thit gave me a nervous smile and did not say any thing else of the potatoes and then went inside. the whole of the time I had been talking to the other tenant my back was to the house to the west, i grabbed the broom by the steps and began to sweep away the other tenants comments. i had seen front yards belonging to ethnic canadians down the street with tomatoes planted in with the roses and there is a gardening movement that commends front yard vegetable gardens, whats suddenly wrong with a few potatoe plants out front, and as I turned and was side ways to the west house I noticed the neighbour going up the steps of the house to the west in a way that suggested thit wanted to goe inside unnoticed and I thought shit was thit there the whole time I was talking to the other tenant.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

classical moulding--confusing

''the simplest decorative details and those that are most universally used in buildings are called moldings. they are plane or cylindrical surfaces, convex, concave, or of double curvature, and they are sometimes plain and sometimes enriched by carving.

''a molding with double curvature is called a cyma, or wave moulding.  if the tangents to the curve at top and bottom are horizontal as if the profile were cut from a horizontal wavy line, it is called a cyma recta, if vertical , as if cut from a vertical line, a cyma reversa, ... the cyma recta is sometimes called cyma reversa, when it is turned upside down. but this leads to confusion.

''some architectural features, such as bases, caps, and baulsters, consist entirely of mouldings. others
consist mainly of plain surfaces, mouldings being employed to mark the boundary between different
features, ''

william r ware, the american vignola.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

drag lurker


a person is sitting in a cafe drinking tea and reading a book, a second person comes from the counter with a coffea and sits across from him. the first person thinks he has seen the second person before this time, but can't place where or when. the second person noisily puts down his coffea mug and begins to act in a way to draw attention to him self. he takes out a cell phone and holds it in his right hand along the outside of his left leg so it is pointing at the first person, and then holds his left hand up like a stop-hand, twists it left and right at the wrist then holds it to his right ear and begins to mime speaking into a phone all the while moving back and forth and side to side in the chair. the second persons behaviour reminds the first person of the way another person was behaving in the same chair several weeks before.

on or around a month before this situation the first person had been sitting in the same chair in the cafe and a women came and sat in the chair the second person was now sitting in. she took out some paper and a cellphone and began sketching while talking in to the cellphone about deadlines and how she would be there in time for the big meeting all the while leaning forward and back and to the left and right in the chair. as the first person is remembering the details of that incident he recalls where and when he saw the second person sitting across from him.

the first person, looking over the top of his eyeglasses thinks he recognizes the second person as the same one who on one day of the previous week had walked past him in front of the same cafe. on that day the second person was dressed up as queen elisabeth the second, carrying a corgi type lapdog under each arm which was possibly why the first person didn't recognize him immediately when he came and sat across from him. as the first person pondered what was going on the second person seemed to regain some composure and got up and left the cafe.

not long after that incident the first person begins to notice other strange people with corgi lapdogs under their arms, seemingly lurking in wait for him near or inside cafes on his wanderings around the city.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

classical moulding--double curvature

moulding at the foot of pilaster showing the contrast of the double-curves against the planes of the brick wall to the right and the stone wall guard to the left.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

sluts and lapdogs

a tenant who lives alone upstairs on the second floor has his ex-wife and two sons staying with him for a month while they look for a new apartment, she would of had one by now he says to the person who lives in the basement suite of the house but shes too particular he adds.

the person who lives in the basement suite talks to the wife one day and she says how they had to move because they were being harassed by a bunch of kids at the apartement where she and the sons had been living, they had done things to her car and made noises from the apartments around the one they lived in.

the wife finds an apartment and not long after that the person from the basement suite is leaving the subway station where he lives and coincidentally meets the wife of the other tenant coming in the subway cradleing a lapdog in each arm. 

they talk for a few minutes and he asks about her harassers, to which she replies they dont bother her any more since she made a deal with them. a few weeks after that incident the person from the basement suite begins to notice strange women carrying lapdogs seemingly waiting for him on the subway, in office tower halls and at the entrance to cafes along the path of his daily wanderings around the city.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

classical moulding--double-curved

double-curve moulding on plinth at the base of pilaster on the yorkeville branch of toronto public library.