that time at the king street subway a woman in a long bell bottom coat and a mob hat was standing near me and while not looking right at me began saying loud enough for me to hear, "you have two feet, you have two legs, you have two hands, you have two arms, you have two ears, you have two eyes, you have two balls". and i said to her do you want me to go and get security, she acted like she had been surprised and ran off. some time after that at the dundas station another woman began to sidle up to within arms reach of me and when i moved several feet away to to see if she would follow and draw her into view of the security camera she looked up like she knew it was there and smiled like she knew what i was doing before she moved off.
this could be used as an incident in a story. a group of sex trade workers approach men on the subway platforms of toronto when no one else is near and start soliciting them with out looking in the mans direction and taking care not to appear to be talking to him, if the man says any thing to them they act frightened and go to the ttc staff and complain about him. they then repeat this several times with different females making the complaints to build a case against him. maybe some of the ttc staff and security know about this and get perks in return for helping in the harassment.
is the idea is to extort money from the men or the women will claim that they were sexually harassed or frightened by the men. the rehearsed scene in the subway played out so security cameras could record it would be used as evidence.
in 2013 some ttc security seem to have been taking time off during work hours but covering that up by ticketing people for offences on the subway and saying it occurred during the time they had taken off to make it seem they had been on the job. so it seems not to be beyond imaginary ttc constables to be involved in the events described above. when they are told by the gang of harassers that this person has seen what is going on they take matters in to their own hands.
another possibility being that the ttc or someone else are trying to make a case for increased security by manufacturing these incidents