vancouver, that time when i was living in room five of the canadian hotel at davie and seymour. i came home to my bed sitting room and found a note on the counter asking me to defrost the fridge, also several items i had left on the bed seemed to of been gone through.
the hotel superintendent, kinney was his name if i recall correctly, knocked on my door and explained what happened. he said that the new owners, asians, did a room maintenance check, he told them they had to give notice ahead of time but they ignored him. he seemed to want to distance himself from the incident by telling me about it, as though he could get in trouble. I didn't think much of it, not knowing at the time it was illegal, though I thought it strange they would go through a persons private property, as though they were looking for something, and not limit themselves to the property of the hotel.
uses for this incident in a fiction. a person stops for a falafel at a restaurant near the corner of granville and robson, he orders his meal and is sitting on a chair when a woman rushes in and talks to the person who took his order. she claims to of left an envelope with money in it on the counter, thousands of dollars in money, when she was in earlier and ate there, she forgot it there the whole time she was eating and left without it, did any one hand it in. the staff, an asian, tells her no and when she leaves he asks the person waiting for his meal if he noticed an envelope on the counter when he came in. he says no the counter was empty when he arrived.
after eating the person returns to his bed sitting hotel, newly bought by asians, to find his room had been entered while he was out, his things gone through and a note asking him where he had hid the envelope from the restaurant and would he please defrost the fridge. while he is reading the note there is a knock at the door, it is the building superintendent, he wants to explain what happened earlier in the day. he says the new owners did a maintenance check but also went through some of his things he had laying on the bed. he tried to tell them this was not communist china where they could enter without giving advance notice, and they certainly shouldn't be going through private possessions but they ignored him.
and then...