Wednesday, August 13, 2014

new-world lurker


a person is standing behind several other people in line at a cafe, the person behind him says the label in his shirt is standing up and showing at the collar and continues on how she can't stand that, it's a thing of hers and she then raises her hands and makes like she will tuck it back in the collar for him. the first person moves away from her a little bit and says its fine it doesn't bother him, thinking to himself she must be one of those new-age service to others types he has heard of.

a couple of months later the first person is at another cafe and as he stands at a table waiting for his drink in the strong noon sun light in the window to the side of the table. a second person who is talking to a third person about a "neurosophics"tm. convention she had so badly wanted to attend but didnt have the money to buy, something about her voice sounds familiar and when she excuses herself from her conversation and points to the draw string of the window shade to him and tells him he can lower it if its too sunny she dosnt think the staff will mind if he does, and starts to get up as if she's going to lower the shade for him, he murmmers its ok he's not staying, and leaves with his drink and the feeling he must of seen her in that cafe before this incident but why her physical presence bothered, gave him some reason to raise his shoulders protectively he couldn't say.

several months after that incident as he is leaving another cafe and on his way to the subway station at the eaton centre, a second person approaches him as if to ask for directions. something about her makes him think she has done this to him before, and when she blurts out how she noticed his shirt tab was standing up again and could she tuck it in this time, he recalls the other two incidents where she tried to touch him and he backs off from her and she then turns and runs off in the direction he was going.