Thursday, August 27, 2015

lurking esl student

that time i was in the starbucks at yonge and wellesly. i got my drink and was sitting down at a table when a person sitting at a table on the opposite side of the room waved at me, smiled and made a gesture towards the books she had laid out on the table. i recognized her as one of the staff from the not just noodles restaurant across the street from the cafe, a place i sometimes ate at. she seemed to be waiting for someone to study with.

how this incident could be used in a fiction. it is a favorite conceit of popular culture that rogue csis agents and their equally rogue five eye associates and assets in the organized crime world, or maybe agents of natos gladio have many people targeted for reasons only those organizations know the reasons for. one of these people has had a false face book account made for him by his harasseurs. they leave messages from him for other people they are targeting.

in this incident they have sent messages to the face book account of an employee who works in a restaurant he sometimes eats at, she's from china and looking for someone to help her with english. posing as the target the harasseurs leave her a message with a photo of him-one they took surreptiously-and an offer to help her study english.

she recognizes the photo of the person as someone who comes in to the restaurant, contacts the face book account she thinks belongs to him and they set up a meeting at the cafe across the street thinking it is the person who eats at the restaurant and not rogue csis agents. this they can arrange because they have had sixty hundred sixty people following him for six months, so the harasseurs know from watching him he will likely go there for a coffea on that day at around that time or they can contact her with some excuse and rebook.

when he shows up and gets a coffea and is sitting down she gestures to the empty seat and books at her table while he sits at another table on the other side of the room without noticing her as he come in the door, she seems rather disturbed by this and soon packs her books and leaves.

later she talks about it on facebook with one of the rogue agents she has been led to think is another asian immigrant, some one did that to her as well and she asks to see the picture this guy sent, she is how do you say it shocked it's the same guy who she is talking about. the agent provocature suggests she poison his next meal at the restaurant, not to kill him only punish and explains how to go about it.