Saturday, November 28, 2015

corporate surveillance harasseurs

that day in the nineteen nineties I was sitting in the south food court of the eaton centre and first a young female came by me and said something , she was almost immediately followed by a security guard who asked me, in a manner ive come to expect from security guards, "what did she say to you !" he almost growled or barked it at me .

was the scene as it seemed he was chasing her out for some other thing or was it a theatre piece of corporate organized stalking on part of security for cadillac fairview .


Thursday, November 26, 2015

brick garden of ruin

downtown yorkgentle, unfinished garden or planned ruin.

a stack of paving bricks in the background of the abandoned front steps to a yard that might be south of wellesly off west side of yonge.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

self sown petunia

a spot garden at the base of a lamp post somewhere along yonge street . a plantain one self sown petunia and maybe that is ragweed between them .

Sunday, November 22, 2015

miltons passport

"In the middle of the Commonplace Book was found a short letter by Henry Lawes to Milton. We know that Lawes set to music some of Milton's poetry, and that Milton addressed a Sonnet . . to him. This letter shows that he had influence enough to get the licence necessary to enable his friend to leave England for the Continent. The letter is without date, but the wording of it proves it to have been written before 1643. The writer says that he sends to Milton a letter from the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and that if Milton intended to write himself he could not have a safer convoy for both than from Suffolk House. Now, in 1638 Theophilus Howard Earl of Suffolk was Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports; and his town-house at Charing Cross was known as Suffolk House. In 1642 that house was purchased by Algernon Percy Earl of Northumberland, and the same house was afterwards called Northumberland House. As we have no intimation from


any source of an intention by Milton to make a second journey abroad, U may be safely concluded that the letter was written on the occasion of Milton's preparation[…]"


Excerpt From: John Milton, Alfred John Horwood. "A Common-place Book of John Milton: And a Latin Essay and Latin Verses ..." Printed for the CamdenSociety, 1877. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.

the henry lawes music begins half way into the video.

from a common place book attributed to john milton. the text made from extracts of classical euroese writings and some selections of writings from miltons contemporaries.

the whole text of this common place book can be read at some of the notes are written in latin, a few in english.

the passages above come from the preface to the book and from a letter to milton from henry lawes, they are not miltons notes. included in this edition is the full text of the letter on a loose page mentioned in the above extract.

milton, the author of paradise lost, paradise regained and the agonies of samson, which mentions the god of the deep ones, so milton was a lovecraft fan.

a passport as a licence, similar to a drivers licence, a business licence, or maybe artistic licence.

the passport as a licence to travel without being suspected of having a licence to spy for thit's nations government.

but in the end they slip through, and passports seem to of been designed to facilitate safe passage for intelligence agents.

the history of the passport seems bound up with the history of surveillance.

a visa is a passport with limitations where the person can goe and how long they can stay in the country.

this interview with michael springmann at the corbettreport describes unusual visa requests at an american embassy in the middle east. alleged terrorists were being recommended for visas to the united states from some or all of the staff who were american intelligence assets.


Friday, November 20, 2015

wall garden--pot garden

wall garden near queen and dufferin. pots of tropical plants in the yard between the sales office for a new condo and the warehouse block of woolfitts art store .


Sunday, November 15, 2015

this blog belongs to


squirrel warden

squirrel poised on mouldings at the base of a pier of the laurentian cathedral.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

wall garden--tub sculpture

wall garden in york-gentles queer. wisteria vine, day lilies and hemerocallis. all viewed through the literal transparency of mesh fencing, enamelled metal sculpture to one side.

this garden has a second use as the apartments garbage station, would not know that walking by on a day the garbage has been picked up.


window garden--wall garden

on yonge street a raised garden with literal transparenzy between it and the room beyond .


adobe brush sketch landscape


Friday, November 13, 2015

john bonnar--toronto police

link to the 2012 john bonnar interview with doug johnson-haslem.

chris gardian as a targeted individual in one of the assassin programs run by law enforcement intelligence units.

who called the police to report a sexual assault in progress, one of the people partying with chris, someone from a surrounding building, a passerby or was it a prearranged signal to take advantage of the situation to take chris out.

we're almost thirty officers at the scene or fewer behaving as though they were thirty. where would that number be available.

the three officers at chris's takedown who are said to have been under investigation for their part in another violent attack are they the ones who knocked him to the ground and beat him. is this repeated behaviour on their part evidence they are merely over zealous in duties or part of these death squads.

was an autopsy done for any slow acting poisons that the medications chris got at hospital may of been a cover for.

chris's family asked for answers about his death based on the time of the beating. based on the incidents in and around 2005 with police at 16 chandos would peter larsen know something that might provide an answer for the family.

would peter's friend, keith from baby point, know anything that might be related to chris's death. also any thing in the years leading up to the beating that may shine light on that incident of 2011.

was keith's son jesse a surveillance plant into chris's life and the people he knew, in order to collect evidence to be used against them. is jesse keith's son?

would the people chris knew have noticed anything different once jesse began working for chris's friend scott, the house renovator. it was around that time Chris began to behave erratic in comparison to his earlier time at the house. anything that might suggest chris was being targeted by toronto police death squads.

would the guy peter larsen knew and who worked at the olympia bakery around the corner from the house know of anything that could be added to the other incidents.

what might the neighbors at 16 chandos who took part in counterintelligence like stalking of me know about chris's targeting prior to 2011.

chris's friend scott showed up one day at chandos while chris was out, he asked me at the time if chris was in any trouble at the house.

would any thing from that time period, 2005 throw some light on the police beating in 2011.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

james page--acanthus garden

the master of the acanthus garden at

james pages guide to the steps in the design of the acanthus and other foliages used to decorate euroese art and craft.

how to cover anything that can be manufactured in as much acanthus as one may want.

we need more acanthus.



Tuesday, November 10, 2015

various beauty--rupert brooke

found this tumblr, various beauty, doing an image search for rupert brooke after reading his verses on the peculiar qualities of english soil. the tumblr, has three sections, beauty, intrigues, and frissons. i found images under beauty but nothing under the other two category's so maybe it's one three word category.

more than a hundred pages under the category of beauty, mostly photos of various men, various landscapes, various architecture, various bars of soap, various lighting fixtures, various hedges trimmed and un, and various occasional quotes. all of these the blogger seems to have found and gathered from the internet of beauty.

self portrait as a dead british poet.

Monday, November 9, 2015

sunlit temple wall

west wall of office building on front street near sherbourne.

the structural shafts have been designed to simulate the pilasters of some euroese columnstyle buildings.

with all of the condominiums speculateurs are putting up in this neighboorhood this piece of townscape will soon be replaced with another glass hothouse not as interesting as this side wall.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

toronto reference library--security harasseur

the following recording was made a few minutes after the incident shown in the video link at the bottom of post.

Here's a link to "security-library.aiff" in my Dropbox:

summary of the events in the video and recording.

I was sitting in the front room of the reference library at yonge and asquith using the public wifi. a guy came in and laid down near me, soon two of the libraries security guards came and told him he couldn't rest there, and said to me that the library management had complained about me sitting there and I also had to move.

the guy who came and laid down to nap may of been part of this situation. what i am saying by that is the security sent him to do that as part of a diffuse and disrupt incident.

the guards removed themselves from the scene and I went to the desk to ask about the incident. the guard on duty first agreed with the other guards story then made excuses about it being a misunderstanding, that it was the other person sleeping they had been called about, as though he knew it was not a genuine complaint of the library staff the security was asked to act on. then he asked I include on my complaint that he wasn't part of the group of guards horsing around.

the guard who did most or all of the talking to me in the front room now was standing on one of the higher floors of the library atrium making as though he was using his phone to record what was happening at the security desk. I've read about these harasseur groups filming their activities and sharing the images on the Internet-of-harassment but didn't think they would do it in such an obvious or blatant way.



Wednesday, November 4, 2015

lurking talking plastic bags

a record of events at sixteen chandos in the late nineteen nineties. the incidents have been slightly modified as to the time and what happened.

toronto, a crc rooming house on sixteen chandos street, at the time of the following incidents, rented to four people.

one night as the tenant in the basement room lays in bed another tenant comes home with some guests. someone of them comes down stairs past the tenants room and goes into laundry room. thit is only in there for less than a minute goes back up stairs and then he can hear them all seem to leave the house get in a car and drive away.

he gets out of bed and goes to the laundry room, he turns on the light switch and immediately can see the light fixture is not fixed to the ceiling, it has been loosened and when he pulls it down further he finds a bag of what seems to be a dried vegetable matter.

as he stands there he has a strange sensation between a thought and a voice intimating he should take the bag and flush the herbs down the toilet, it's a fire hazard and that would teach them not to store their herbs or whatever it is near the light fixture where it could catch fire.

the sensation between a thought and a voice is not very convincing though. he tucks the bag back, pushes the light back onto the ceiling as close as possible to the way it was to begin and returns to his room.

as he gets into bed and pulls the blanket over his head he is thinking what if the sensation between a thought and a voice is the voice to skull technology he's read of perpetrated by the csis and their leiu accomplices, or it's a malingering schizophrenic voice.

almost as soon as he retucks himself in bed somebody comes in the front door comes downstairs past his room and into the laundry room, for a few seconds and then goes back upstairs and leaves the house slamming the door behind thit. did thit lock it he thinks.

again he gets up goes back out to the laundry room and finds the light fixture hanging down and the bag is gone. that's so rude just to leave it hanging there some one could hit their head on it in the dark he thinks and again he returns to his room to finish pondering the question of the sensation and wether it was voice to skull microwave communication radio or plain old schizophrenic voices.

in the morning he comes upstairs to the kitchen where he finds the patio door to the backyard deck open and on the kitchen floor lays a small ziplock bag of a white and powdery material. this is what happens when people leave the doors open over night, the local heroin users come in the kitchen and leave their stuff behind.

as he thinks to himself wether to call the others down stairs and ask them if they had noticed or heard anyone in the house overnight he could sense that sensation somewhere between a thought and a voice communicating to him again. this time suggesting that he should take the bag of powder and try it. test it with his finger as they do in movies, please.

he can't decide if it's another voice to skull incident or malingering schizophrenia its so subtle. again the sensation is not very convincing, it could be arsenic for all he knows so he leaves it where it is and goes out for the day.

some thoughts on the incident the above fiction.

are they now using voice to skull in parallel construction to frame people into taking evidence they can then be searched for, knowing in advance the person has the evidence on them.

would they do this to increase convictions or to troll for informants.

is the crc working with csis the toronto police and rcmp, being little more than a surveillance unit disguised as low income housing.