Friday, November 13, 2015

john bonnar--toronto police

link to the 2012 john bonnar interview with doug johnson-haslem.

chris gardian as a targeted individual in one of the assassin programs run by law enforcement intelligence units.

who called the police to report a sexual assault in progress, one of the people partying with chris, someone from a surrounding building, a passerby or was it a prearranged signal to take advantage of the situation to take chris out.

we're almost thirty officers at the scene or fewer behaving as though they were thirty. where would that number be available.

the three officers at chris's takedown who are said to have been under investigation for their part in another violent attack are they the ones who knocked him to the ground and beat him. is this repeated behaviour on their part evidence they are merely over zealous in duties or part of these death squads.

was an autopsy done for any slow acting poisons that the medications chris got at hospital may of been a cover for.

chris's family asked for answers about his death based on the time of the beating. based on the incidents in and around 2005 with police at 16 chandos would peter larsen know something that might provide an answer for the family.

would peter's friend, keith from baby point, know anything that might be related to chris's death. also any thing in the years leading up to the beating that may shine light on that incident of 2011.

was keith's son jesse a surveillance plant into chris's life and the people he knew, in order to collect evidence to be used against them. is jesse keith's son?

would the people chris knew have noticed anything different once jesse began working for chris's friend scott, the house renovator. it was around that time Chris began to behave erratic in comparison to his earlier time at the house. anything that might suggest chris was being targeted by toronto police death squads.

would the guy peter larsen knew and who worked at the olympia bakery around the corner from the house know of anything that could be added to the other incidents.

what might the neighbors at 16 chandos who took part in counterintelligence like stalking of me know about chris's targeting prior to 2011.

chris's friend scott showed up one day at chandos while chris was out, he asked me at the time if chris was in any trouble at the house.

would any thing from that time period, 2005 throw some light on the police beating in 2011.