Sunday, January 31, 2016

prospect cook books

three reviews of kenney herberts culinary jottings.

prospect books, you wouldn't guess from their name, publish books on food and cooking. the books subjects range over cooking of national and regional types, vegetable and fruit gardening, animal husbandry and even one on how to build and use an outdoor wood fired oven. all of these they categorize under cookbooks, food history and ethnology of food.

prospect is an outgrowth of the journal "petit propos culinaire" which continues to be published three times a year and has a separate section on the site for its promotion.

prospects catalog has a short description of the contents of each book and some of these are followed by one or more reviews of their edition, collected from other sources. something they do a lot of, publish a book collect the best reviews of it and post them on their blog, no running around the internet unless you want to read the reviews they excluded.

i found their website browsing google for a downloadable e-text of kenney herbert's culinary jottings cleaner than the four the invaluable internet makes available. prospects reprints and first editions of books are not available so far as i read as downloadable e-books.

besides the journal and books they also manage what they term the old culinary text project. one of the founders of the journal made a photocopy collection of as many old cook books he could find, and the inheritors of his estate now have what seems to be a lending library of some or all of the photocopies on a rental basis.

lastly the web site also has a food and cooking glossary made from the glossaries of a number of other cook books prospect has published or gotten permission to use for their online glossary. alink to the glossary can be found in the side bar under glossary--food--prospect.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

make a list--christopher alexander


the list of properties from the book "the nature of order" by christopher alexander. he chose the fifteen notes for this list from what he says was a larger number of properties of centres he noticed repeating in nature and man made artifacts.

alexander lengthend this short list into a four volume essay arguing something has gone wrong with the way we build centres and then explains the correction needed to change the wrong.

this copy of the list was found at the end of a report on the use of alexanders research in the field of computer program sciences.



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

acanthus garden--dusty miller

at the east end of queen street, to the side of a cafe door a tall wooden box with a wooly acanthus, centaurea cineraria, planted in it.

first because of how long into the winter the plant has survived, this was into the first week of 2016, then secondly for the way the plant repeats the shape and form of the plant box, and finally for the off centre placement of the box in front of the post and the plant off centre in the box but centred in front of the post. the symmetrical perfection broken by small details in placement.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

keep calm--toronto public libraries

Created with #keepcalmandcarryon

the toronto library system has ongoing domestic terrorism activity in which patrons are targeted with surveillance and harassment. the harasseurs in the tprl come from the ranks of the managers, librarians and book runners, the maintenance staff and security guards also take part in the activity.

their tactics include, though they do not limit them to, staged incidents to provoke the target into verbal or physical self defence so they can deliver warning letters followed by vexatious exclusion notices. they also practice other disruption activities associated with csis counterintelligence programs.

carry on.


Monday, January 25, 2016

toronto peruvian consulate sextortion

that time in 2003 during the power blackout of august, at sixteen chandos, that was when another tenant, julio chuquihuara, had his e"strange"d wife and two teen age sons staying with him at the house while they looked for a new place to live. they moved out of their apartment because of noises above, below and on both sides of their unit and vandalism to her car from young kids living in the building.

his wife's description of the harassment at the apartment matched the phenomena of counterintelligence stalking. julio and his wife both came from peru. he did some volunteer work at the peruvian consulate as did his wife, minor hostess work, meeting and greeting people at the consulates special events.

several strange incidents happened while she was at the house. the first time outside in the front yard as i was weeding the flower bed, and right in front of her husband julio and another tenant, chris gardian, she went for my right hand which i had resting on the sidewalk i pulled away and she made a strange startled cross eyed look.

the second time was when she came downstairs and knocked on my door and when i answered she was standing there with a peruvian soda pop for me. when i had the door open she said "oh it looks so big" and put her foot on the lintel like she wants to come in and gave me a aren't you going to invite me in look, i acted like i didn't get it thanked her for the soda said bye and closed the door while she was still on the other side.

finally there was something chris gardian mentioned to me during the time julios wife and sons we're staying at the house. his room was next to julios and around that time chris hinted that while he was in his room he heard them talking. he said he couldn't believe what he overheard, did I want to know what it was about, which I took as it seemed to be about me and did I want to hear more. I just shrugged it off with a no I don't want to know thinking it was some petty insulting comment and he didn't supply any further details. did he overhear them planning a sextortion.

:: Some fictional questions about the above incidents.

If the things julios wife did were what i think they were, i think it wasn't just her idea but someone else was putting her up to it. possibly whoever was gangstalking her, participation in a sextortion may have been part of their deal to stop?

so she was gangstalked, moved into 16 chandos and was then recruited for gangstalking activity. or it was all planned before the move and she knew some or all of what she would be doing while living with julio. if they had a target selected at the house then it seems a hit and miss way to get someone near that person by first stalking their hoped for recruit at their residence in hope they would move out and end up with the family member living in the same house as the target person.

who has time and resources to plan these things. beside the usual agents of csis and the five eyed anglosphere intelligence agencies. could it be the government of peru using their nationals living here in sextortions to get canadians and maybe other nationalities to spy on canada. would they have had cris gardian killed for knowing too much or interfering in their plans or refusing to participate.


Friday, January 15, 2016

transparency and reflection

the yonge and bloor subway shelter, an example of literal transparency in architecture.

here the phenomena is trippled in effect because both the near and far walls of the shelter are glass and then beyond them the wall of the building has windows looking over the shelter.

the windows in the upper half of the buildings wall reflect the back sides of both walls of the shelter while the far wall of the shelter does the same for the nearest wall.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

botany garden--poison hellbore

that flower bed at the laurentian cathedral north from the laurentian hall planted full of hellbore, black hellbore. one of the medicinal and poisonous plants grown in torontos public gardens for its exotic and ornamental value, i hope that's all.

when nature was handing out flower petals the hellbore was last in line and nature had none left so the hellbore was given extra large sepals which last much longer than petals, sometimes up to a few months.

it shares with petunias and calendula a secret affinity for the climate of the land bay of yorkgentle yet unlike the other two nonnative plants mentioned I've not seen hellbore growing self sown within the grounds of any park nor rising up and out of cracks and fissures in the side pavements. perhaps the seeds may not have time to ripen in torontos climate.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

keep calm--l.p.smith

Created with #keepcalmandcarryon

" you must beware of thinking to much about style ", said my kindly advisor, " or you will become like those fastidious people who polish and polish until there is nothing left." " then there really are such people? " i asked eagerly. but the well-informed lady could give me no precise information about them. i often hear about them in this tantalizing manner and perhaps one day i shall have the luck to meet them.

all trivia, logan pearsall smith.

the complete texts of several versions of l.p.smiths trivia can be read at the


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

image couplet--face in halo

two example of the face in the circle of heaven. the odilon redon illustrates a portrait of silence, the second image comes from stock footage used by darrin martin in a video titled aviator.

the video alternates stock footage with aeronautical themes against images of two grown men playing airplane, one of them raises the other up on his feet while the one raised spreads his arms pretending to be a plane and then they cuddle. a voice over explains all of this in greater detail.


Sunday, January 3, 2016

keep calm--tim hortons

Created with #keepcalmandcarryon

this is to warn the public that some or all of the panhandlers whom frequent the tim hortons at 769 yonge street may be working as part or full time informants for the police. they have been seen receiving from some or all police on that patrol, small pieces of folded paper passed to them as though it was loose change.

in one case closer examination of a video showed what was palmed from the female officer to the male panhandler, and it seemed to be a piece of paper folded to the size of a dime quickly passed from one to the other as though loose change.

it is thought these papers contain instructions to the informant the police don't want to risk to electronic interception. this suggests that the activity may not be part of official duties but instead originates in a nato operation, or the officers have some organized crime affiliation with the panhandlers. or it may of been a love letter.

be forewarned, if you record the activity you may be placed on toronto police and csis watch lists, and be the target of organized harassment by the panhandlers and other people including staff at the cafe.

carry on.

for more information on counterintelligence harassment, it's history and recent flourishing in euroese society go to


Friday, January 1, 2016

first flowers of 2016

new years day calendula at frontstreet and sherbourne, the temperature finally reached that level where plants with leaves and flowers hardy as the calendula can not survive. two months to spring.