Thursday, January 14, 2016

botany garden--poison hellbore

that flower bed at the laurentian cathedral north from the laurentian hall planted full of hellbore, black hellbore. one of the medicinal and poisonous plants grown in torontos public gardens for its exotic and ornamental value, i hope that's all.

when nature was handing out flower petals the hellbore was last in line and nature had none left so the hellbore was given extra large sepals which last much longer than petals, sometimes up to a few months.

it shares with petunias and calendula a secret affinity for the climate of the land bay of yorkgentle yet unlike the other two nonnative plants mentioned I've not seen hellbore growing self sown within the grounds of any park nor rising up and out of cracks and fissures in the side pavements. perhaps the seeds may not have time to ripen in torontos climate.