Friday, February 26, 2016

sketch book--waste book

trees, shore of tommy thompson park, lake ontario.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

mysterious phenomena as licence plates

standing at the king and younge east bound streetcar station. admiring the late season christmas decorations on the terrace of the office building to the north when this car approached from the west.

richard john ( arje ), birth year 1963 ( 163 ).


Sunday, February 21, 2016

allan garden--window garden

a self sown seedling of an unidentified tropical plant growing on a window ledge at the allan gardens green house.

repost--library sousveillance

library staff and a single security guard watch three toronto police officers surround and question a male who had been in the library . the police had been called by the library staff or security guard while the guy was in the library but didn't get there till he had already gone outside . much to the disappointment of the library staff who seemed to want him taken into custody .


(news clippings from 2015 on topic of corrupt private security at fightgangstalking.)

from what I could overhear it seemed some professional harraseur provoked the guy and then complained about the him to librarians so it's then taken up by security without the person who complained being identified .

one of the librarians was bitching about the police not getting there till the guy they called about had left the building so they didn't get him this time and she wanted the extra renumeration from perkstalking for christmass , the other librarian said well maybe the police will hang around to see if the guy comes back in and and we will get our bonus .

so all the police could do was surround and chat friendly for a while to make the guy think he was safe to go back in where they could then arrest him, so they and the librarians and the security guard

would get bonuses .

a text book example of counterintelligence stalking , the way the incident mimics a genuine threat , a target with previous harrasment designed to elicit response when reprovoked with triggers, a paid harraseur to reprovoke , librarians on the same pay roll as the harraseur , corrupt private security , and at the end police are called .

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016



allan conservatory house hours

second week of 2016 first visit of the new year to the allan gardens green house, open house seven days a week 10am to 5pm.

canada will soon be in march-bloom, people will be out in their suit jackets and skirts digging and manureing the gardens of dominion.

plants were not at their best. worst of all, the petals on the flowers of the amaryllis display in the orchid house were wilted and in the temperate room some one thought wiring a flock of artificial birds on some of the plants would make up for the quality of the greeneries.

Some things stood out better. the single prayer orange in fruit, with one of those birds perched near it and one flowerless amaryllis in a bulb shaped pot set on the coping stone of the wall by the water fall made up for the over all end of winter in a conservatory doldrums.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

moss garden--garden bench

found this photo of a stone garden bench while doing an image search for palladio and goethe. it is part of a travel blog , robs grand tour is the record of one persons retirement travails on the model of the grand tours of the continent made by british nationals in the seventeen hundreds.

his trip dates to the fall and winter of 2010, at one time a person could of done this sort of travel without hoards of common other people to deal with something out of the possible in our times and economy.

large stone bench high enough back one can rest head on its upper edge, seat a little lower than normal bench making longer sittings comfortable. and on the moulding running along the base a garden of moss.

the bench is said to have been a favorite with goethe, which along with a few comments about and photos of palladios villas explains why the photo came up during an image search for palladio and goethe.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

winter garden--frozen fountain

febuary 2016, fountain of the cranes in the garden of the laurentian cathedral.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

first seedlings and spring leaves

On the third day of febuary 2016, seeds from an unknown plant making roothold on the soil of a flower bed at 15 scadding avenue. a sign of something.