Tuesday, February 16, 2016

allan conservatory house hours

second week of 2016 first visit of the new year to the allan gardens green house, open house seven days a week 10am to 5pm.

canada will soon be in march-bloom, people will be out in their suit jackets and skirts digging and manureing the gardens of dominion.

plants were not at their best. worst of all, the petals on the flowers of the amaryllis display in the orchid house were wilted and in the temperate room some one thought wiring a flock of artificial birds on some of the plants would make up for the quality of the greeneries.

Some things stood out better. the single prayer orange in fruit, with one of those birds perched near it and one flowerless amaryllis in a bulb shaped pot set on the coping stone of the wall by the water fall made up for the over all end of winter in a conservatory doldrums.