Friday, July 29, 2016

green house nettles

nettles growing against a low west facing wall of the Allan garden greenhouse. not as one hopes a demonstration by torontos parks and recreation of the edible herbs growing in the land bay. only a few garden weeds enjoying their place in the sun.

stinging nettles are a favorite of herbalists, the fresh leaves lose their irritating effect when dry or heated thoroughly allowing them to be used as a herb tea or added to soups.

nettle plants look like mint plants. one time when we were living on the quarter-section I was telling my sister to watch out for some nettles we were walking towards, mother said "what is that mint, is that mint" I said yeah she tore a few leaves off one plant and held them to her nose, said she couldn't smell any mint so she rubbed them harder and pressed them closer to nose and them let out a yelp as the stinging took effect.