Monday, January 30, 2017

allan gardens--still life

csis sextortion party

that time in the late nineteen ninetys my bike was taken.
i had locked it up at dundas and, later that night when i came back i noticed from a distance it was gone
when i was standing next to the bike post i had locked it to i could see the ubarlock was locked to the stand
i thought i must of missed the bar on the bike and it was standing there unattached to the post.
some one came along and took off with it, i was certain i had locked it to the post.
strangely a few days or a week later another tenant, everett collin, asked me where my bike which i usually parked where it was visible in the house was
i told himwhat happened and he said he knew someone who had some bikes the police give him to hand out to people who need one, and everette just happened to be taking someone else down there to get a free bike i could come along and pick one out also and we did.
went down to the beaches neighbourhood, the person wasn't there so everett opened the shed and the other guy and me picked a bike each. then down to the tommy thompson park where we stopped at one of the coves and thanked the guy.
couple of weeks later everett gave me a photograph of me standing at the shed in the yard looking at bikes, only me the other two had stepped to the side while everett showed him something in the garden.

(everett collin at angelfire, after an all night sex party in the toronto beaches neighbourhood)
for use in a fiction. csis takes bikes the police find and give them to certain of their neighbourhood watch assets, who then give the bikes to people in need of a one. not out of the kindness of their hearts but in a black operation where the people are photographed getting the bike in a way that it could look as though they were stealing the bike from the yard.
to further increase the number of people they can entrap for their informant program they will take their bike and then have one of their harasseurs acquainted with the person tell them how they know someone the police give found bikes to hand out to people who have had their bike stolen. so they go and get a bike and while there the guy who took them steps out of the way so a woman living next door can photograph them under the cover of being a member of neighbor hood watch.
the person who took them to get the bikes then gives the person a photo and tells him if he dosnt take part in a csis sex entrapment party at the house he got the bike from he will be arrested for stealing the bike.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


interior of wellsley subway station, on the bus platform at street level. afternoon sun leaking through the open ventilation windows.

Friday, January 27, 2017

robert graves--little bits

found this blog, a little bit of reading, during a search for an online copy of robert graves difficult questions easy answers, a collection of essays on various things euroese. little bits of text from the books the blogger has been reading the last sixteen years, along with some notes on what the reader thought of the books.




Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017





advertising in the toronto subway. another example of the slow and disguised disclosure surrounding the use of exotic mind influencing technology to secretly induce madness and then openly cure madness so the people affected will be grateful and obedient to the technocracy.

transcranial magnetic stimulation covertly used to create a problem in some people's behaviour, annoying other people which causes them to react for the government to do something about the problem group. that's where camh steps in with a device that they arguably claim will cure the ptsd they cause with the same technology used to covertly create it.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017

null-entropy blog

found this blog while doing an image search for solar plexus. null-entropy ( ? a reference to an artifact for preserving artifacts in frank herbert's dune novels) came up because of a reference to a site with solar plexus in its title. null-entropy preserves graphic arts, videos and toys. it has among other things a leaning for military ?kitch?

Posted with BlogsyPosted with Blogsy



Thursday, January 19, 2017


that poem goethe wrote to preface his essay on the similarity of plant formz.

timhortons gangstalking harasseur

a few minute before i took the photo she had turned around in her seat and in perfect unaccented english asked me how the lid on the paper cup opened, " how do i open this? " . i lifted the tab on my lid and she made a shocked oh face and turned away.

this seems to be another one of those csis harasseur things, they ask you how something commonplace is done or works as if they never come across the problem before.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

doric columnstyle

screen of columns near the intersection of front and yonge streets. one of the better examples of entasis, the curved outerline from the lower to upper part of the column shaft.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

apple hyacinth and spruce cone

fish ponds--roger north

fish ponds by roger north, how to build a pond, how to fill a pond, irrigate your orchard garden with pond water and other uses for ponds. fill your pond with unwanted goldfish. the whole book can be read at the


Thursday, January 12, 2017


gardening video demonstrating the many ways of using the ploskorez in the garden. the proper grasp seems to be the secret to using ploskorez, the proper grasp keeps the blade at the correct angle to the groundscape, this makes ploskorezing nearly effortless, sweatless but still be a healthy workout.
and you don't have to be russian to use it.



iwritelike sample

web site for iwritelike a robot that compares one persons writing to anothers. it claims it dosnt use the entire sample, and cuts what part it does use up to compare to its file of writers before determinating who you write like. type or paste a sample of text into the robot and see who you writ like, see who your favourite and non favourite authors write like. so the robot calculated the sample of my writing matches the writing of only one other person, david foster wallace. only one, i find that hard to believe.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017



spring salad greens

january 11 2017, cocklebur foliage showing through the mulch of leaves on the ground of a property at sherbourne and scadding ave. being the last leaves of last years summer they might be tough but would taste of wild greens all the same.

Monday, January 9, 2017

little houses--casino marino

a piece of music named for the casino on the property of an irish estate named marino.

geranium garden

Sunday, January 8, 2017

mysteriousagency as sinisterforces

the journal of peter levenda, where he logs what his discoveries on the activities of post hitler's nazis, the nazi escape route known as the rat line which the vatican operated and something else on tantric sex temples.

louise bourgeois tangerine

louise bourgeois, french-american artisan regurgitates a childhood humiliation while she flays a bitter tangerine.

garden dreaming

january seventh 2017, mckenzie garden seed display boxes in the eaton centre canadian tire. never seen them out this early.