Thursday, January 5, 2017

when they called me jackie

sabrina rubin erdley searches for rape victims at the university of virginia
jackie coakley recommended for interview by friend as as an experianced rape victim
jackie gets interviewed several times
erdley fact checks jackies narrative with some of the people she mentioned.
jackie seems to have thought her experience would be a minor part of the article
erdley and rolling stone goe with the narrative as the main story.
the narrative goes to print, readers are split in what to make of it.
pro jackie readers let all concerned know they are finally vindicated
anti jackie readers challenge the accuracy of jackies narrative
violence and harassment at the uva
rolling stone issues a statement that there are issues about the accuracy of the article.
some of jackies friends, people who recognized that some of the characters in the article were similar to them make a statement about the accuracy of the narrative.

post apocalypse
rolling stone pulls the story and issues partial apology
the rolling stone hands the question of accuracy over to a journalistic tribune
a dean of uva and uva students begin litigation phase of incident
professional and amateur media take sides and fight over the narrative
rolling stone and erdley dean eramos case against them.
rolling stone wants the ruling thrown out.

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as material for fiction
a writer researching unreported rapes at the university of miskatonic
she gets a lead from another female student she interviewed about her rape
this second person tells her a narrative about her rape by a fraternity gang including her date
the writer selectively fact checks with some of the people her source mentions in the incident
she write her article in what is termed gonzo journalism.
the magazine she write for publishes the story.
post publication
the story causes much fighting on the internet and in public between people who believe in rape culture and those who don't
within a few days questions about certain parts of the narrative by those who don't believe start appearing online.
some of the people who's names were changed in the story recognized themselves and came forward with another version of what happened the night of the rape.
the story is exposed as the ravings of a hysterical female abetted by a gullible female.
what the reporter didn't know was the rape victims father is a cia psyops engineer.
the story was manufactured by the cia to create a strategy of tension within the social justice warrior movement. and they gave the part of the rape victim to his daughter who had been trained from the cradle for the part.
in a fit of anger the reporter hunts down the rape victim at her wedding, to ask her why she did it, and why to her, a cia planned mishap happens and she is arrested for killing the rape victim and others at the wedding.