Tuesday, April 11, 2017

the original cream of wheat blonde

the first time i saw him was at the tommy thompson park, down by the cormorant beach. i was laying on the sand and he walked by with another guy.

second time at the starbucks in the building that once housed the britnell book store. he was sitting at a table with some other people.

third time at the barbwire gay video theatre, fun in booth six. i think it was tenth of july 2001

fourth time again at the barbwire theatre, again booth six. he said his name was john. i think it was twentyfourth of same july.

fifth sixth and seventh times, i was walking east in the underground of cumberland mall and i saw him walking west at one of the intersections between the south corridor where i was and the north where he was. then i was sitting under the dawn redwood across from the laurentian hall and he got out of a cab and went into the hall, last i was on the west side of yonge across from the reference library and he came out of the library and went south.

and then the eighth time, the starbucks at yonge and wellsley. something strange happened, i noticed someone come up to table like thit looking for a place to sit, as if maybe someone, maybe me was going to leave and thit would get the table. think it was april of 2002 maybe april the eleventh. the person said it didn't matter and left, i looked up as the person left the cafe and recognized who it was.

the ninth time was only some days later at the reference library maybe april the eleventh of 2002, i was sitting in the lobby when he came in and walked past, we both noticed each other. might of been another day at the libraryaround this time but i was on way up in elevator and am uncertain.

tenth time i think was while i was sitting in a cafe at yonge and irwin, someone was on the north corner of the side street across from the cafe, when i looked up it was him. we both noticed each other.

nothing for years after that untill the csis harassment picked up in 2012 and we crossed paths again.

the csis diffuse and disrupt harassment was stepping up, security and staff at the reference library were involved in it. i had insulted the security guards at the reference library and received a warning letter april the fourth then maybe a week later on the eleventh of april i received an exclusion letter, it was delivered on an upper floor of the library. as i was being escorted from library i noticed him at the bottom of the stairs, off to the side, standing as though he was waiting for me to notice him. that was the eleventh time.

i reached the bottom of the stairs and kept on walking wondering if his being there was coincidence or part of whatever the csis diffuse disruption skit was about.