Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

serpent path

may 2017, asphalt snake at the tommythompson landfill park.


Sunday, May 28, 2017

cabbage--ornamental one

may flowers at the kew garden. last years ornamental cabbages or maybe kales, in full bloom beside the war memorial near queen street.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

lilac days


how much are those flowers

some ones dog has gone missing and they put up these flowers with a picture of the dog and a phone number to call if the dog is found. they put some flowers here and more on several other light posts further down at the yonge and bloor intersection. what kind of dog runs away from a person who does things in such a big way, thoughtless little beast.



Friday, May 19, 2017

Thursday, May 18, 2017

belinda dumas blackbourn

a person i had classes with at st. joseph's in the nineteen seventies.

her mother remarried

she went to europe that summer, germany, came back acting strange. and not just that i've been to europe acting strange.

claimed a teacher poked one of her breasts with eraser of his pencil, she was going to blackmail him or maybe someone else. her obsession with blackmail was extreme at the time.

moved out of her mothers and stepfathers house, was going to blackmail him. she was going to blackmail everyone.

she continued in school under welfare, she got a basement apartment with her boyfriend. the women who owned it gave them a deal on the rent, and this woman was probably an rcmp or cia informant.

and then one winters day that strange incident happened to me that involved dumas blackbourn and another student which i made a note of elsewhere.

had she been mind controlled in germany, natos gladio may of got to her, fascists were at work in northern alberta at the time and the rcmp were recruiting infiltrators so it may of been either of them she was involved with.



Tuesday, May 16, 2017

toronto landscape

slide show of a walk in the tommythompson land fill park during easter weekend of 2017.

Thursday, May 11, 2017


sunday townscape along yonge street.

gangstalking canadian style

declassified 2010 report on the canadian government use of diffuse and disruption programs against some or all canadians. the full text can be read online at the


Monday, May 8, 2017

canadian informants

a list of some or all of the people i have over the years suspected of being informants. for who, csis? the russians? the chinese? the jews? the illuminati and or the cia? i leave to others the task of determining.

belinda dumas blackbourn

janet crowshaw

blaine patrick

pat and margaret macdonald

everette collrin

wendy rose

andre chauvette

greg perras and his boyfriend g

john metson and other staff of the crc

kelly roache

joseph karrer

margaret rorem

paul utenbeagaurd

native canadian female, i think her name was corey

daryl macneil

shauna macneil and her pimp

starbucks baristas too numerous to name individually

the security guards at eaton centre

scott thompson

chris hyndman

janet yoshida

toronto public library staff

jamie murphy

peter larsen or larson and his friend keith

june diamond white anderson


Wednesday, May 3, 2017


magnolia bouquet at sherbourne and scadding.

Monday, May 1, 2017

spring greens

justin trudeau--gangstalking hi jinks

justin trudeau or some one who shares his physinonomy shows up at the thirteen minute point of the video.
is justin trudeau performing gangstalking street theatre in toronto. first sighted this guy in a recent opcatalyst video as i was exiting the dundas subway on my way into the eaton centre. he was standing outside of the turnstiles in his school girl uniform, seemed to be asking for change. i asked myself is he genuinely troubled a csis harasseur or both and if one of the later two is he here for me or someone else.
second sighting was at the wellesley or college subway on the east side of yonge at street level. he was coming east on the sidewalk scaring people with his acting, did that palm up thing with his hand and said something in that low voice way he does in the video. something to the effect why dosnt this guy have a life, as if to say out loud what he thought people were thinking of him.
i thought he looked familiar and not from the first encounter, maybe i had passed him some other day before the first time when he wasn't wearing the school girls uniform as a disguise and so did not recognize him at the eaton centre. they do that. but i couldn't recall and say where i had seen him before.
then i got the message from youtube. torontos arch truth-criminal stephan okeefe of opcatalyst had downloaded a new video to his channel and the title image showed the guy from the eaton centre. that's when i recognized him as the prime minister of canada justin trudeau. i watched the video and was uncertain, was the guy justin trudeau, or an accidental lookalike. but i decided in either case he is a csis asset involved in street theatre. to what end i wondered.

stephen okeefe the person behind opcatalyst thinks the guy is a toronto police harasseur involved in creating a distraction for the toronto police drug industry which he fully explains on his youtube channel. supposedly they use criminals to distribute drugs and to provide cover for this they put these people out to distract the public from their protection racket. okeefe also thinks this is done to make people want more security.
he might be right in his assessment, he seems well researched into that side of this activity but i can't help think it could be a csis-camh-psyop to promote the idea of drugging people who are a government nuisance. the idea being that people who have seen the guy who looks like trudeau will be annoyed by him and want protection from him and wonder how they can get protection then recall unconsciously trudeau saying something about how mentally ill need to take drugs to reduce their strangeness. and then they won't complain otherwise when a liberal backed bill comes to parliament.
so although i agree with okeefe that some or all of the toronto police are protecting drug sales for part of the profits and that he has captured this activity in his other videos i think this guy if not trudeau himself is more than probably part of the psyop i've outlined above and not a genuine street person nor involved in the tps drug sale coverup.
in either case the guy in the video captures trudeaus vacuous tounge hanging expression and pot induced gestures well enough to win an actra statue when they begin giving those for gangstalking street theatre.