Monday, May 8, 2017

canadian informants

a list of some or all of the people i have over the years suspected of being informants. for who, csis? the russians? the chinese? the jews? the illuminati and or the cia? i leave to others the task of determining.

belinda dumas blackbourn

janet crowshaw

blaine patrick

pat and margaret macdonald

everette collrin

wendy rose

andre chauvette

greg perras and his boyfriend g

john metson and other staff of the crc

kelly roache

joseph karrer

margaret rorem

paul utenbeagaurd

native canadian female, i think her name was corey

daryl macneil

shauna macneil and her pimp

starbucks baristas too numerous to name individually

the security guards at eaton centre

scott thompson

chris hyndman

janet yoshida

toronto public library staff

jamie murphy

peter larsen or larson and his friend keith

june diamond white anderson