Wednesday, November 29, 2017

gangstalker in tree

walking south from bloor through the parks east of yonge street looking for cia counterintelligence stalkers. this one came out from behind the fabric covered link metal fence, graciously stopped in his tracks and posed for me.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

toronto gardens

july 2017. a thistle growing in a large red planter near front and sherbourne. 

Monday, November 27, 2017


self portraits one with a bump on bridge of nose one without. both traced from a photo.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Friday, November 24, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

not lovecrafts ghouls

sketch of a giantic ghoul, found during an image search for gazolba birds. the image linked to a post at roles, rules, and rolls. a role playing blog describing some of the art of nathaniel dance-holland, it was posted by the blogger as evidence of earlier mention of ghouls in euroese literature than lovecrafts weird fiction.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

toronto black gangstalker sousveillance

november 2017 mapping gangstalking activity by negro racials along yonge street.

headquarters wanted me to check out a black male activist who they thought was a cia informant. he passed around information on people the cia wanted bad jacketed as informants so other blacks would post to facebook what he showed them identifing the people as informants, which deflected attention away from the actual cia informant in their midst.

i was to go to an a and w (french fries) on yonge street south of dundas to see if i could stir up some facebook activity among the cia black gangstalking activists which we hoped would link back to this black guy.

as i was eating my fries, sitting where i could see the counter reflected in the window. a black male on staff came over to the female black who had taken my order, showed her something on his cell phone, to which she whispered "who is that", to which he pointed to me and whispered "that guy there". she turned her head a few degrees in my direction. he must be our person of interest thought i.

so it seemed clear the cia asset assigned to follow me had called the guy in the store to alert him to my presence, this was what we wanted. headquarters would of been able to trace the call from the asset to confirm he called the guy in the store, connecting him to the other cia funded black confidential informants we had under sousveillance.

we would get further evidence of this over the next few days as we watched the activity spreading from the black females facebook site. she had done as the cia expected and sent the image their asset showed her to a large part of the black activist community with a warning that the person in the image was an informant for the cia. doing all the badjacketing work for them.

o these blacks, never as happy as when they are making some master happy.


pigeon of the week

still life on yonge street.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

townscape-- shaftesbury gate

one of the gates deviding toronto into neighbourhoods. along yonge street near shaftesbury, this one is part of the old beltway commuter railway. it marks a demarcation point between the neighbourhoods of saint claire to the north and rosedale to the south.

without the bridge the dip in the road would provide some of the quality of a gate but not to the degree the combination of the two create.

wall garden


Saturday, November 18, 2017

townscape toronto

the tree gateways between the lakeshore and front street at union station.

Friday, November 17, 2017



cia alberta sex blackmail

in the late 1970s when the cia had a sex blackmail operation in grande prairie alberta.

the cia was blackmailing albertans in an intelligence gathering operation. the difference this time was their use of mind influencing technology to create entrapment incidents the people could be arrested for.

they were using mind influencing machines to entrap people with some activity and then their partners the rcmp would drop charges as long as the person cooperated in a sex extortion operation against one or more people the cia wanted to blackmail for intelligence gathering

young good looking students were their main target, ones that could be used in underage sex entrapments with adults who could then be blackmailed into giving the cia intelligence reports of their workplace.

they were using it on students at the local high schools, to recruit them into the cia counterintelligence work in alberta. students were acting strange but that could be put down to being teenagers. when people didn't cooperate they could make trouble for them, in one case of a student from the catholic high school, the cia arranged a car accident in which the student died, was killed.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

spot garden

november palm leaves and ornamental kale at the eaton centre.

cia faux informant operation

that time i infiltrated the toronto branch of the cia faux informant operation, the one in which they were using electromagnetic influencing technology to silently persuade people to go to some place where they could then be made to appear to be a toronto police informant.


the cia and toronto police needed a way to deflect attention from their confidential informants within the toronto activist community.


they did this using influencing machines and voice to skull silent sound to trick unsuspecting people into behaving in ways the activists would suspect as cia counterintelligence operatives.


my part was to allow them to target me with the influencing machine, i was to follow the silent sound suggestions the cia was sending, most often to go to a cafe at some time during the day and sit near a group of people who fitted the description in the silent sound suggestion.


the real cia informant could then mention to the activists how many times that person was at a table near them when some piece of sensitive activist planning had later been known by the police. planting in their minds the idea the person is an informant who is showing up on purpose to gather intelligence on them.


the real cia informant who has been giving toronto police the information goes unsuspected by the activists who waste their time keeping their eyes on where the faux informant is.


autumn green

not as appreciated as the reds, oranges and yellows of autumn, green however sere continues to satisfy the eye.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

accidental classicism

classical drapery at the entrance to ramsden park.

Monday, November 13, 2017

vathek--blank quote book

that scenic video on the you tube channel of robert luzar. images of a walk taken on and nearby the grounds of william beckfords fonthill abbey.

a hand holds up a blank notebook blocking the centre of the view while quotes from beckfords romantic novel vathek scroll along the bottom of the screen. the various changes of landscape can be seen only around the edges of the book.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Saturday, November 11, 2017

toronto gardens

november in that garden off of yonge and glencairn. dedicated to the memory of alexander muir, author of the maple leaf forever, an early canadian anthem.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

cia counterintelligence sex bait

that time i was recruited to infiltrate the cia canadian human trafficking operations as bait.


the cia wanted me in the sex trade so they could use me in compromising entrapments to blackmail politicians and other people. they knew i was already targeted by various organized crime groups involved in sex trafficking and were using them as cover. the cia hoped that if these other groups were able to involve me in their sex trafficking rings then the cia could use me in their political blackmails, while making it appear their partners the sex traffickers were behind it all.


my part was resisting offers of work in the sex trade so the people who made the offer ( backed by the cia ) would up the ante and try to entrap and blackmail me into cooperating. while i was keeping them busy by letting them compromise me over and over other people were watching their every move. we hoped this would provide insight into cia black ops modus operandi.


i was to go on tempting their middlemen, frustrating their dreams of entrapping and making money off of me, keep their attention off the others watching them. trying to get the cia to occasionally step in and to make it happen for the middlemen. when they did step in they would invariably slip up and show themselves as the hand behind the sex traffickers, handing us the evidence for how their compartmented operations worked.


green man

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


that set of videos from press for truth describing the occult symbolism of some of torontos architecture.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017

camh gangstalking therapy infiltration


that time in 1992 i infiltrated the camh cognative therapy unit at the toronto general hospital.


our intelligence claimed the cia was using an electromagnetic mind influencing machine to make people feel depressed, at the same time broadcasting a message to them using silent sound voice to skull technology which suggested they seek help for their depression in the cognative therapy program at camh.


using electromagnetic weapons the cia created psychological problems for targeted people who then sought help at camh where they were promised help if they cooperated. the cooperation being various sorts of informant work for the cia. it wasn't put this way but hinted that if they took part in certain extra activity they might find their depression start to fade.


after participating in counterintelligence stalking the cia turns down the electromagnetic weapon just enough to to make the patient feel better and think it was their participation in the social justice stalking that made them feel better so they want more opportunities to stalk people.


disguised as a patient i was to infiltrate a group with a male named crane who had been in a previous group therapy with these four psychiatrists ( two jews a negro and a lesbian ) but had not maintained his after course contact and we knew the cia began to attack him with electromagnetic weapons and gangstalking.

i was to watch and listen for anything done and said that could be a clue to how much the psychiatrists knew about the way the electromagnetic influencing machine was being used to recruit people for the cia counterintelligence stalking operations in toronto.

what we didn't know was what the therapists knew about this part of it. i was to watch and listen for anything done and said that could be a clue to how much they knew about the cia part of the psyop. or were they in the dark about why the people enrolled in the therapy returned if they didn't complete it.


it happened one day while we were gathering one by one in the corner room. the black female psychiatrist was in the room and she let something slip out while talking to the guy named crane. i was sitting watching every minutiae of the chit chat when crane mentioned something about how he was glad he had come back to the therapy, the black female psychiatrist let something slip about now you know what we can do if you don't and crane laughed uncomfortably.


i didn't say anything but another patient asked what she meant by the you know what we can do comment and the black first looked as though she only then realized she said something she shouldn't of and then said oh nothing you'll find out on your own if need be and you better not tell she added to the crane who gave another nervous laugh. she then looked at me suspiciously, as if she wondered i knew what she and crane were talking about. i did.


that was the reference to the use of electromagnetic influencing technology i was looking for. but that wasn't enough to bait the trap for these four. i had to ignore their surveys sent after therapy ended so they would launch an attack like they did on other patients who didn't follow through their hoax of therapy.


this while uncomfortable was necessary to gather where the electromagnetic weapons were coming from and more important what other sectors of society, police, employees in stores, public libraries and others were involved in the overall harassment programs and how the chain of command was compartmentalized.


Thursday, November 2, 2017