( the ombudsman of toronto recently published a report on problems with the toronto community housing corporations transfer policy. one element they overlooked are the abuses perpetrated by counterintelligence assets of the cia. )
that time i infiltrated the toronto franchise of neighbourhood watch.
headquarters had intelligence that showed torontos neighbourhood watch had a bad side. they had been infiltrated by the social justice international and were conspiring with the toronto community housing corporation to stack the tenant transfer program in favour of their own group and their gangstalking recruitment activity for the cia.
rather than transferring tenants who need a move from one apartment to another for health or safety reasons they were giving their own people apartments in exchange for surveillance of other people in the building.
in 2009 as part of a larger and lengthier investigation for the reginese brotherhood i moved into a tchc apartment on the sixth floor at 15 scadding avenue. known as the centre of one of the most corrupt gangs of cia counterintelligence stalkers in toronto.
i was as usual bait to draw them out into a prolonged diffuse and disrupt operation against me. this would allow headquarters to collect intelligence on who and how they were going about their abuse of transfers.
the hi jinks began almost as soon as i moved in. the apartment next to mine had its door removed and the apartment was vandalized and robbed of the tenants, a foreign couple, collection of precious limited edition commemorative plates.
the way the doors hinge pins were removed from its hinges so the door could be opened suggested someone on the inside of the tchc had done it.
the neighbourhood watch asked the people in that apartment if any one new had moved in lately, seeding the idea it was me. that would give them an excuse to get the couple on the transfer list as they were robbed just after someone new moved into an apartment near theirs and they could claim fear for their safety.
this way they could get the couple into an apartment someone with a genuine safety threat needed and place another tenant under their control in the apartment the first couple were vacating. already on the waiting list.
two apartments taken over with one cia breakin.
create a threatening incident to recruit and give a reward of a better apartment that should of gone to someone on the waiting list.
the foreign couple now owed the people in neighborhood watch who got them a transfer ahead of other people on the waiting list and could be expected to comply with any other counterintelligence activity the cia wanted.
it all went as expected, they eventually got their transfer we got our intelligence and another foreign couple of cia harasseurs moved in to the apartment they vacated.