Tuesday, June 5, 2018

american embassy brain trauma

american embassy brain trauma

the further controversy over what caused the illness of american and canadian embassy staff in cuba and now china.

americans in china have made complaints of illness with symptoms similar to those reported by american and canadian embassy staff and their families stationed in cuba. symptoms reported are headaches, memory loss, speech defects and even some nosebleeds. all of this is being claimed similar to the alleged sonic weapons attack of american and canadian embassy staff in cuba.

the investigation suggests there has been some physical damage, mild brain trauma that would be possible and expected with sonic weapons. how ever well proven the existence of the sonic equipment is, this passes over other evidence that sonic beam weapons lose power going through walls and the further away the target is. so what could of caused that mild brain trauma?

can hypnotism cause the effects of physical damage to the body described in the complaints. can it suggest to the mind to forget things, to feel panic when there is no external threat, to constrict muscles to slow or shutoff the blood flow to parts of the body causing aches and pains. and would that mimic the effects of a sonic weapon or not.

this would not have to be done by sitting the people down and hypnotizing them person to person. the silent sound influencing machine could be used.

this piece of equipment has been used to harass people in toronto public libraries and some of the cafes in toronto, most thoroughly some or all locations of the starbucks franchise, but also independent cafes, for example buds cafe in the beach neighbourhood.

here in toronto the influencing machine is used to create diffuse and disrupt psy-operations for the military industrial complex. but in toronto they use it to hypnotize people and then suggest they have become as mad as hell and they are not going to take it any more, and then goe run some one over with a rental van on yonge street or something along that line. in other words to suggest they harm and discredit them selves through violent actions against other people.

so how would it of been used in cuba and china and for what psyop?

in the embassy events it seems to of been used to create muscular contractions in the neck to cause vasoconstriction. vascular headache which has been mentioned as one of the symptoms is caused by the neck muscles constricting the vascular system of the neck and then relaxing. this causes first a build up of blood waiting to get into the brain and then second a sudden rush of blood into the brain when the muscles relax, causing the pain.

the people would have been hit with the influencing machine set on silent sound and given post hypnotic suggestions for their neck muscles to contract around the nearby vascular system, stopping the flow of blood to the brain just enough to cause some mild trauma to the white matter. other suggestions to think they hear a ringing noise would make it look to investigators they have been hit with sonic weapons.

they do this to random people to get them to make accusations mkultra is after them. but here the aim seems to also make the government making accusations look crazy, discrediting them in the eyes of the public because sonic weapons don't work that way.

americans in china have been advised to move away from any part of a building when they hear a ringing tone. but this dosnt take into account that if they are not being hypnotized at that time it is only a sound from an influencing machine to activate the post hypnosis suggestion for their vascular neck muscles to start to constrict and then relax causing the headaches and other symptoms.

they can't escape the time they were hypnotized with the influencing beam it's so silent compared to the ring from sonic weapons they wouldn't know it was being done. poor american embassy staff.

or maybe it was just a case or two or three of americans at large suffering culture shock extreme enough to cause mild brain trauma.

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