Friday, August 31, 2018

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Friday, August 24, 2018

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sunday, August 19, 2018

vocal fry and the influencing machine

vocal fry and the influencing machine

vocal fry is a speech defect in vogue with some females. it is also a side effect of the thought to skull to voice setting of the influencing machine.

this phenomena has been noted by people the deepstate has targeted with the influencing machine.

the effect is produced by the rattling of the vocal apparatus when taken over by the influencing machine and used to make the person say things for the deepstate.  

when they use the thought to skull to voice setting people notice a slight vibration to the voice if the thoughts are spoken out loud. this is caused by the electromagnetic beam they hit the person with and the delay between the brain sensing the message and accepting it as one of its own thoughts. so the voice has that fry effect.

unfortunately for the target this dosnt happen only when the person is being hit with the beams of the influencing machine, at some point during entraining it can become a habit.

some females unfortunately have a low resistance to the influencing machine. they can easily be entrained to its commands. and so they also suffer from the side effect of vocal fry to a greater degree.

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

toronto tangled garden

a small bush garden recreated at the ash bridge family park.

Monday, August 13, 2018

satan rising—vicar of lynch

satan rising—vicar of lynch

"When I heard through country gossip of the strange happening at Lynch which had caused so great a scandal, and led to the disappearance of the deaf old Vicar of that remote village, I collected all the reports I could about it, for I felt that at the centre of this uncomprehending talk and wild anecdote there was something with more meaning than a mere sudden outbreak of blasphemy and madness."

Excerpt From
Logan Pearsall Smith
This material may be protected by copyright.

that very short story of the vicar of lynch found in logan pearsall smiths book of trivia.

it records smiths research of the vicars descent into paganism. he had met and spoke to the vicar one day. they talked about the vicars research into antique traditions that had lingered in christianity.

what smith had heard was the vicar disappeared after performing the mass in an unorthodox manner on one day. a mass that shocked his congregation. it seems the vicar had began reintroducing elements of the great old worship into his mass.

smith gives his theory on what actually happened based on conversations with the congregation. strange vestments and alter props, something about the alter boys, animal blood and at least one naked body on the alter.

we never know exactly what happened to the vicar of lynch, he had passed away or was living in a maniac asylum, according to the congregation. a cautionary tale for our times. nothing new under the sun.

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

court intrigue and the influencing machine

there is a war going on. a war waged between factions of the deep state. the point of the war is for it to go on and on and on. not end. some of them want it to end, some of them don't want to hear of that.

the deep state is the unelected, bureaucratic or secretarial level of the elected government. some of them have taken things into their own hands for their own ends. a war of courtiers in service to those with the genuine power.

this war being is being fought with blackmail operations created using influencing machines.

they use these machines in lieu of long sharp knives hidden under their cloaks.

they attack each other with the influencing machine to hypnotize the other factions into various behaviours and malaise. to lead them into compromising situations for use in blackmail. to discredit their reputations. all so the war can go on and on and on.

which of the many factions will win this palace war and become the darlings of the hidden masters? and will the influencing machine be enough or will they draw the long sharp knives and have it end in total blood letting?

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Monday, August 6, 2018

toronto terrorist garden

castor palm growing in the perrenial beds to the east of the allan gardens greenhouse. the raw source of the beans the deadly calming nerve powder ricin can be extracted from. this one has already gone to seed and has some more flowers coming into bloom.

Friday, August 3, 2018

toronto pot garden

collection of ferns and other semi tropical plants near the door between desert room and temperate room of the allan garden greenhouse.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

on the canadian influencing machine

on the canadian influencing machine

the influencing machine is an electromagnetic wave transmitter and receiver. it combines several electromagnetic devices in one. it is capable of inducing a trance state in the brains of animals making them suggestible to a second feature, the silent sound radio.

it can both send electromagnetic beams and pick up the bodies own electromagnetic response to the ones sent as well as several other features. the swiss army knife of electromagnetic weapons.

these machines send electromagnetic emotions and microwave sized thoughts through the atmosphere which when they come in contact with a persons body affect their physical and emotional functioning. the microwave thoughts are heard by the brains hearing cells as voices or thoughts.

that is a problem because most people sense something wrong with those emotions and thoughts, they don't really feel like ones own, and are naturally inhibited by the brain, they won't go along with them. the deepstate has a way around that problem.

by slower than slowly introducing electromagnetic thoughts to a person, acclimatizing them to carrying out the thought they can convince the person the thoughts and emotions about another person or an incident are their own.

at first they suggest things the person already does, trying to get them to increase the times they do something and to do it when they trigger them with a ringing tone from the influencing machine.

then they move on to things the person has inhibitions about doing. in this stage they send silent sound desires while at the same time they hound the person with little influencing machine aches and pains which go away for a while if they agree with the less pleasant thoughts beamed to them and begin to think of them as their own. they begin to entertain the thoughts even when not being sent by the influencing machine.

for example. they want to get you to do something to harm yourself or another person. they would start by telling you to do something you like and isn't harmful to you or anyone else. once you become familiar and at ease with the electromagnetic thoughts it is more probable you will to carry them out when the hit the person with the violence setting, even if it is something you have an inhibition about.

this feature can also lessen ones inhibitions to killing ones self or someone else. as well as allowing for the creation of compromising events, like whistle blowing, thefts and leaking of classified information, even rapes, which can be used for blackmail.

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