Thursday, August 2, 2018

on the canadian influencing machine

on the canadian influencing machine

the influencing machine is an electromagnetic wave transmitter and receiver. it combines several electromagnetic devices in one. it is capable of inducing a trance state in the brains of animals making them suggestible to a second feature, the silent sound radio.

it can both send electromagnetic beams and pick up the bodies own electromagnetic response to the ones sent as well as several other features. the swiss army knife of electromagnetic weapons.

these machines send electromagnetic emotions and microwave sized thoughts through the atmosphere which when they come in contact with a persons body affect their physical and emotional functioning. the microwave thoughts are heard by the brains hearing cells as voices or thoughts.

that is a problem because most people sense something wrong with those emotions and thoughts, they don't really feel like ones own, and are naturally inhibited by the brain, they won't go along with them. the deepstate has a way around that problem.

by slower than slowly introducing electromagnetic thoughts to a person, acclimatizing them to carrying out the thought they can convince the person the thoughts and emotions about another person or an incident are their own.

at first they suggest things the person already does, trying to get them to increase the times they do something and to do it when they trigger them with a ringing tone from the influencing machine.

then they move on to things the person has inhibitions about doing. in this stage they send silent sound desires while at the same time they hound the person with little influencing machine aches and pains which go away for a while if they agree with the less pleasant thoughts beamed to them and begin to think of them as their own. they begin to entertain the thoughts even when not being sent by the influencing machine.

for example. they want to get you to do something to harm yourself or another person. they would start by telling you to do something you like and isn't harmful to you or anyone else. once you become familiar and at ease with the electromagnetic thoughts it is more probable you will to carry them out when the hit the person with the violence setting, even if it is something you have an inhibition about.

this feature can also lessen ones inhibitions to killing ones self or someone else. as well as allowing for the creation of compromising events, like whistle blowing, thefts and leaking of classified information, even rapes, which can be used for blackmail.

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