Tuesday, October 30, 2018

stop toronto invisible gangstalking

stop toronto invisible gangstalking

that night i killed a harrasseur who was wearing an invisibility suit

it happened while i was living at 16 chandos avenue.

i had been alerted by headquarters ahead of time that their informants had told them the other side was going to do an invisibility cloak training run with a novice harrasseur. i was to be their target.

i could see them there even though they were cloaked, those little sparkles the cloaking creates gave them away if you know what you are looking at. there were at least three. one of them was darting in and away at me while the other two stood some distance away and observed.

i was doing my evening thousand paces back and forth while swinging my arms. at one point the harasseur got real close and i punched the air and made contact with the left side of the harrasseurs head, i think it was right on the temple. this immediately killed who ever it was. i think it was the novice.

the other two quickly moved in and grabbed the body, lifted it and retreated through the wall to the stair case.

my job was done and i went back to my exercises.

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