that american state terrorist sandy halfpint.
she turned up in toronto in 1991, crossed the border illegally via the culvert at detroit into windsor then walked and hitch hiked to toronto. at least that was the story she told people.
we knew she was working for the cia and assigned to live on the street drugging other people with lsd without their knowing it in a continuation of that part of the cia mkultra program.
the drugged people would be entrapped into becoming informants for the deep state or taken away for other experiments.
she and another one of these american cia recruiters approached me one morning under the bridge at st.claire near yonge street. after some small talk she offered me some orange juice. i knew ahead of time about these two, and refused the orange juice which made them suspicious.
i knew what was in the orange juice and though headquarters could of easily prevented the effects of lsd with a bit of influencing machine they wanted these two to become suspicious someone was on to what they were doing.
i saw her later around 2006, she was sitting on the sidewalk near the body shop at church and wellesley. she showed her face again after 2010 when the main gangstalking assault against me occurred. she took a part in that.
she has continued to do an occasional pass by from time to time but has changed her appearance with smaller glasses and a head kerchief.
come operation perfect vision she will be rounded up with all the other state terrorists and imprisoned or disposed of depending on the value of the evidence others and myself have collected on her.
sandy halfpint, wanted for state terrorism. approach with caution she may have microwave sonic weapons in her wheeled luggage.
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