Sunday, October 13, 2019

alexander cozens — a new method of landscape drawing

"rule one. to make drawing ink. procure the following articles.

lamp-black, in a small barrel, from the oil shop. two or three ounces of finely powdered gum arabic, from the apothecary; keep this very dry. writing ink. half pint tin pot. a middling sized bristle brush, to be had at the colour shop.

put a little of the gum into the tin pot; add writing ink, as much as will make it a paste; mix it very well with the brush. add lamp-black upon the point of a knife, or shake it out of the barrel a little at a time, till it becomes as thick as it can be managed when mixed. add a little more writing ink, and mix it well."

alexander cozens, a new method of assisting the invention in drawing original compositions of landscape.

the entire section of alexander's cozens essay where he explains the rules of his new method of landscape painting can be read at the blog

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