Sunday, December 28, 2014


fifty four pages of sources for the study of the fine building of the venetian architect andrea palladio.

english translations of palladios pattern book, "the four books", and his lesser known guide book to the city rome.

english language pattern books inspired and influenced by palladios four books of architecture.

english language books about the man palladio. placing him in his time.

english language works on palladios buildings. the villas, town houses, and ecclesiastical buildings.

works on the genre or following of palladio, interiors and furnitures.

last for the tourist, a gazette of places in the united kingdom and ireland with palladian buildings sometimes open to the public.



not the platero in the book.


the life of a donkey.

told through daily event, none much longer than a page.

we are all platero.



juan ramon jimenez.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

anthony blunt--architecture


a lecture by anthony blunt, on some uses and misuses of the terms baroque and roccoco.

in this lecture he also summarizes the history of euroese architecture from antiquity to modern times.

I think this is where he makes the claim, that the defining feature of modern architecture comes from the absence of mouldings, and that this began with the roccoco interiors.



usonian civilia

w. hegeman and e. peets on the civic art or the american vitruvius.

the art beyond the single building, the arrangement of single buildings into groups of buildings as a necessary environment for living the good life.

a collection of evidence for a euroese civic design, in groups of buildings and parks, in america.

some or all of the text of the book is available for reading at the online library,



Tuesday, December 23, 2014

december catmint

from the last week of autumn 2014, catnip growing along the west brick wall of a building near sherbourne and scadding.


Monday, December 22, 2014

corinthean architecture

from the photo sharing site panoramino a government building at tirana. the upper floors given the form of an abacus of the corinthean order of columns.


Saturday, December 20, 2014


some palladian architecture by stanislaw makielski, has been in the spot light because of an essay by sabrina rubin-erdely on greek-lettered fraternities the magazine rollingstone published.

all of the attention has been given to a dormitory he designed for the phi kappa psi. a two storied building with dormer windows on the roof to either side of a central temple pediment supported on four columns.

the temple face of the building has five bays, the two end bays project further than the centre three, framing them and their sitting porch under the pediment which is supported on the columns screening the porch.



Thursday, December 18, 2014

julius evola , a site devoted to the philosophy of evola. his own words on the good life, to him it includes occultism, racism, and most of all tradition.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014


the virtual lawn

the palladian architecture of thomas Jefferson at the university of virginia.

the virtual-lawn web site summarizes where the architecture of palladio came from and how jefferson reused palladios system in his design of the university grounds.


Monday, December 15, 2014


single cosmos with flowering dusty-miller.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

lurking hand grabber

the late part of 1979 or 1980. that time in the lunch room b. d. reached over, took my hand lifted it off the table and said to j. c. "see.". one other person was present at the table and a few others may of been in the room.

how this could be used in a fiction. a person in a school lunchroom at a table with some other students, when one of the girls reaches over lifts his hand off the table and turns to other girl and says "see". a couple of weeks later he is in the locker room between classes when the same girl grabs his hand and tries to pull it up to her breast. when he resists she slaps his face and says something to the effect "what are you grabbing my breast for?". all this seems to have been done for the benifit of two other people standing at their lockers who seemed like they had been told what was going to happen and were lurking there to witness it.

then she wants money or a complaint will be made or she threatens to unless he takes her offer of working in a gay porn film her step-father will set up for him with people he knows in germany.

an example of how this sort of confidence trick is carried out by breaking down the sequence of events. first step they do the first part of a set of events, for example if they wanted to were going to bring a persons hand up to their breast they would one day take the persons hand with witnesses around to see if they get away with it, then a few weeks later they do the same thing but carry it through further with more witnesses around. then they can make their threats and


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

wall garden--blue mallows

an accidental wall garden off of yonge street, north wall of a building along dundonald street.
an uncanny growth of mallows along the base of the wall, one of those garden flowers that can be found self sown throughout toronto. the hinges show the doors open out, but they can't of been used recently.
the walls have been painted an uneven hue giving a patched and collage effect where the shades of blue alternate.

majorelle blue! or a canadian no-name chalky-blue of the same colour?


Monday, December 8, 2014

accidental step garden

scadding ave near sherbourne street, plants growing out of the flower beds and across the lower step of an apartment at a property of one of toronto community housing corporation buildings.

Friday, December 5, 2014

allen gardens--memorial plaque

city of toronto department of parks and recreation allan indoors botanical gardens officially opened by mayor nathan phillips . q. c. on april 17, th 1957 alderman a. c. cranham chairman - committee on parks and exhibitions c. t. bell commissioner of parks and recreation


Monday, December 1, 2014

classical architecture--mouldings door

building at king street and parliment. the corner set oblique to the corner of the property, the main entry opened into it. rusticated stones used as a frame to the door, a sort of screen marking the passage from outside to inside. the mutules in architrave above the door seem out of scale to the overall proportional scheme.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

lurking drugged lunches

those times, in the late nineteen-seventies at high school after lunch, I would feel slightly tired and couldn't concentrate, eventually it got so bad I dropped the class right after noon just so I could recover.

how this could be used in a fiction. at a school in northern alberta the deep state of united states has been secretly conducting mind control studies. these studies consist of various leadership games in the classes. some of the students have been selected for other experiments which include secretly opening lockers and drugging their homemade lunches.

the amount of the drug was in micro dose, the smallest amount to get an effect without having the students incapacitated, or making people suspicious and give the experiment away. the purpose of this involuntary drugging is to make it difficult for them to concentrate after eating their lunches, therefore making them more open to hypnotic suggestions made during classes by specially trained teachers who were secretly in on the project.

in time it comes out that it was a continuation of the testing on unknowing subjects of the americans foreign policy of mind control and cointelpro projects that were supposed to of been dropped in the earlier part of the seventies.


roygbiv sunflower

self sown sunflowers at south end of leslie street.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

lurking free malware gift

that time I found on my ipad a number of musical pieces I never bought or downloaded for free. going to the Apple Store I pointed them out to the available staff and was told me how to send a complaint to Apple. a day later I recieved email explaining that Apple had downloaded to everyone's Apple device the latest album of U2 as a free gift and explained how I could delete it. after this I read about how the gift backfired a bit on Apple and the music group.

how this could be used in a fiction. Apple makes a gift of A peace activist bands latest album, they have it downloaded to the apple devices without the owners permission. some controversy occurs as not every one cares for the music and they create a site where people can delete it without downloading it.

unknown to Apple and the music group the deep state has had its computer agents infiltrate Apple and add malware to the music. malware that would allow them to monitor the devices it's downloaded to. malware that allows them to delete and add information to the IP address of any device its downloaded to so they can incriminate the owners.

a few weeks later some Apple owners begin to notice their devices seem to have a greater than usual number of problems, they run slower, apps are crashing, the malware has been activated because they deleted the music or have left it there without downloading, alerting the deep state to their anti communitarian behavior.

one of the people who drafted the malware has a turn of conscience and contacts the front man of the band, who when he hears what was done dosnt know to expose it or keep quiet. to help him decide the agents of the deep state give him a few deciding incidents, his private jet loses a door in flight and he has a cycling accident thanks to a directed energy gun speeding up his bike.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

lurking library lurkers


that time at the North York public library in early nineteen nineties. I was looking for a book on a lower shelf, kneeling, and a guy came down the aisle and standing a pace from me he moved his left leg so it pressed against me, I moved over to give him room and he moved to close the gap between us and pressed his left leg against me a second time. I looked up at him with a frown on my face, he seemed startled and took off. on my way out of the library the security guard gave me a funny I know what you are up to look, took out a little note pad and started writing something on it.

how the incident could be used in a fiction. a person at a library in North York toronto looking for a book on a lower shelf, a sleazy guy comes down the aisle, stops beside him and presses the side of his leg against him. the person looking for the book moves over a little to give the other person some room thinking he may want something from the shelf.

the other guy again moves closer to him and presses his leg against him for the second time. the person looks up with a frown on his face. when the sleazy guy sees the frown he startles and takes off down the aisle. the other person finishes what he is doing and then leaves. as he goes out the security guard by the exit gives him a funny I know what you were doing look and takes out a note book and scribbles something down. the person wonders what the sleazy guy may of said to security after the incident between the shelves. he soon finds out when the police come to his house to question him.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

wall garden in the beeches


wall garden at the beaches-lion, around the corner of the queen street entrance beside the morning patio. the stone panel above the garden adds to the classical shrine like atmosphere the fragments of wood create.

Friday, November 21, 2014

More alternating repetition

underfoot, on the groundscape of toronto,

this time out doors at the intersection of king and

sherbournes street car booth.

raised dots alternate with l shaped lines meant

to give traction unintentionally decorate the pavement.