those times, in the late nineteen-seventies at high school after lunch, I would feel slightly tired and couldn't concentrate, eventually it got so bad I dropped the class right after noon just so I could recover.
how this could be used in a fiction. at a school in northern alberta the deep state of united states has been secretly conducting mind control studies. these studies consist of various leadership games in the classes. some of the students have been selected for other experiments which include secretly opening lockers and drugging their homemade lunches.
the amount of the drug was in micro dose, the smallest amount to get an effect without having the students incapacitated, or making people suspicious and give the experiment away. the purpose of this involuntary drugging is to make it difficult for them to concentrate after eating their lunches, therefore making them more open to hypnotic suggestions made during classes by specially trained teachers who were secretly in on the project.
in time it comes out that it was a continuation of the testing on unknowing subjects of the americans foreign policy of mind control and cointelpro projects that were supposed to of been dropped in the earlier part of the seventies.