that time at the North York public library in early nineteen nineties. I was looking for a book on a lower shelf, kneeling, and a guy came down the aisle and standing a pace from me he moved his left leg so it pressed against me, I moved over to give him room and he moved to close the gap between us and pressed his left leg against me a second time. I looked up at him with a frown on my face, he seemed startled and took off. on my way out of the library the security guard gave me a funny I know what you are up to look, took out a little note pad and started writing something on it.
how the incident could be used in a fiction. a person at a library in North York toronto looking for a book on a lower shelf, a sleazy guy comes down the aisle, stops beside him and presses the side of his leg against him. the person looking for the book moves over a little to give the other person some room thinking he may want something from the shelf.
the other guy again moves closer to him and presses his leg against him for the second time. the person looks up with a frown on his face. when the sleazy guy sees the frown he startles and takes off down the aisle. the other person finishes what he is doing and then leaves. as he goes out the security guard by the exit gives him a funny I know what you were doing look and takes out a note book and scribbles something down. the person wonders what the sleazy guy may of said to security after the incident between the shelves. he soon finds out when the police come to his house to question him.