Friday, October 24, 2014

wall garden

wall garden hidden between the Eaton's centre and trinity church.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

lurking librarian


that time at the barbwire theatre, a bunch of people came in like they had been notified I was there. among them was a person I recognized as an employee of the toronto public reference library, he came near me and tried to touch me, i rebuffed his advance.

how I could use this in a fiction. a person goes to an adult video theatre. while he is there agents of the five eyes surveillance send out messages from a fake face book account they set up in his name which tell the recipients he is at barbwire looking for sex. they show up and he recognizes one of them as a librarian from the toronto public reference library. that person he recognizes reaches over and tries to grab his crotch but the he stops him.

later in the month he begins to be botherered by the same librarian when ever he is at the library. it comes out that the librarian is a spy for the five eyes community and he has the library staff and users in surveillance along with a few other staff at the library.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

moss garden and mouldings

bell tower of St James mirrored in the pool of the cranes in St. james garden,

and moss growing in the shade of the moulding below the cap stone of the pools edge.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

alternating repetition

alternating repetition, described by christopher alexander in his essay on the art of building, is one of the fifteen qualities he claims to be found in good design. created where two different pieces of a design are counter repeated to each other. alexander claims this strengthens a thing. which seems to him better compared to a simple non alternating and monotonous repetition.

an example of alternating repetition, the diaper pattern on yield-tiles at the edge of a ttc subway platform, it has the quality incorporated in to its design in two ways. the square of raised dots alternates with the square with a raised circle that has a smaller square of raised dots at 45 degrees to the larger square. this repeats the square but alternates it by reducing the size and position of the second square and placing that alternation in the circle.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

shen-fu--garden notes

"when flowers and trees are planted for the first time, it does not matter if they are set at an angle. let the leaves face where they will, for after a year they and the branches will straighten up by themselves

. in fact, if a tree is planted straight up it will be difficult for it to grow into a striking shape."

shen fu, six records of a floating life; english by leonard pratt and chiang su-hui.


Friday, October 10, 2014

lurking cointelpro fire starter

Google street view of water street.

the time I was living in vancouver, working on water street at a picture framing company called imagistics. the owner had just moved to the new loft when the place she rented at burned down. the owner of that building was storing cardboard in the halls which helped the fire spread so fast, but it didn't look like that sort of thing or that's what the police thought after questioning him.

the previous picture framer she hired was also wanted for questioning about the fire and allegedly stealing money from the company, the owner of the framing store thought he was hiding at his sisters. while working there I heard some things she said about him hiding in Vancouver and that she had been told he was a drug addict, and that was what the stolen money was for.

one day while she was describing the night of the fire to a customer she let slip some details about where and how the fire was set and where she was at the time the fire started and it seemed to me she seemed to know a lot about how the fire was set. at one point she must of thought the customer also thought it unusual how detailed her description was as she qualified it with that's what the fire chief told her, and because he couldn't tell her exactly what he knew because it was under investigation, so from there she imagined the remainder which I guess was her way of explaining away why she seemed to know what happened that night. it did seem strange she knew so much about where the fire began.

how this incident could be used in a story. they want to use the guy for use in espionage and so threaten her with black mail if she dosnt go along with their story. they know she was a few blocks away filling up her vehicle and some extra jerrycans with gasoline and say they can make it look like she started the fire if she dosnt accuse the employee of stealing checks from her so they can arrest him and then frame him with setting the fire.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

wall garden

wall garden against a building near the intersection of scadding ave and sherbourne.


wall garden

wall garden at meeting of sidewalks in downtown toronto, rough plaster on the wall giving it a rustic or grotto like style.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

lurking drug sales

google maps image of site mentioned in post.
that time in grande prairie alberta in the nineteen seventies, I was walking through the parking lot at the towne centre mall and a guy was coming out of the malls northwest corner exit. without looking right at me he mutterered something I couldn't hear because of the way he was whispering. I said "what?" and he said it again and I caught something I thought was "hey you want to buy some drugs". I stopped, looked back at him over my shoulder smiled and said "what" drawn out and louder. he was now past me and stopped and started to say "you want to buy some drugs" again and louder so I could hear. I had a big smile on my face and I think I said what again and louder, he looked at me, panicked and took off.


Monday, October 6, 2014

lurking false rape accusation

"three women of Strassburg, who at the same instant, felt themselves kicked, although no one else was near, accused a certain man, weeping and declaring he had cast a spell on them; whereupon he was bound over to torture, but saved himself by means of a lie, saying indeed he had kicked out-though not at three Christian women, but at three cats which savagely attacked him. this is the reason he was freed but the women burnt. here is a parable for our time."
even s connell, notes from a bottle found on the beach at carmel.

the above excerpt comes from e s connellys "notes from a bottle found on the beach at carmel". it reminded me of news articles describing false rape accusations. not the ones where the female was drunk and went with some guy, the ones where the woman never dated with or even never met the accused but cries assault, like the boy who cries wolf, for the attention of others it gets.

replace "felt themselves kicked" with "felt themselves raped", "he cast a spell" with "he cast male privilege", and "but the women burnt" with but "the witches burnt", and it becomes clear how things forever were, are now, and forever will be.


Sunday, October 5, 2014


blue and pale yellow swamp garden down in the beach end of queen street.

Thursday, October 2, 2014