Monday, October 6, 2014

lurking false rape accusation

"three women of Strassburg, who at the same instant, felt themselves kicked, although no one else was near, accused a certain man, weeping and declaring he had cast a spell on them; whereupon he was bound over to torture, but saved himself by means of a lie, saying indeed he had kicked out-though not at three Christian women, but at three cats which savagely attacked him. this is the reason he was freed but the women burnt. here is a parable for our time."
even s connell, notes from a bottle found on the beach at carmel.

the above excerpt comes from e s connellys "notes from a bottle found on the beach at carmel". it reminded me of news articles describing false rape accusations. not the ones where the female was drunk and went with some guy, the ones where the woman never dated with or even never met the accused but cries assault, like the boy who cries wolf, for the attention of others it gets.

replace "felt themselves kicked" with "felt themselves raped", "he cast a spell" with "he cast male privilege", and "but the women burnt" with but "the witches burnt", and it becomes clear how things forever were, are now, and forever will be.