Friday, January 23, 2015

lurking cia half pint

that time in ninety one i was sleeping under the st. claire street bridge near mount pleasant cemetary. one morning two street people, a male and female showed up with orange juice. they were just checking if I was ok they said. they claimed they were from the states and had walked in to canada somewhere along the border.

later in the nineties i saw the female near church and wellesly and again in twenty ten i think it may of been her who showed up at the reference library as one of the part time street people harassers who were organised by someone or group to bother me.

how this could be used in a fiction. a person sleeping under a bridge in toronto is approached by two other people on the street. they say they are checking to see if he is all right. a few years later he is walking to the subway from the church and wellesley area and he thinks he recognizes the female of the couple from under the bridge, the one who called herself half pint.

a few years after that she again reappeares, this time at the reference library. she seems to make sure she has booked a computer station near him almost every day. almost as though she is collecting information on him. or doing things to disturb him while someone else observes his response.

he dosnt know till later, that she is a csis informant acting as a street person. being an illegal immigrant she was told she would be sent back to the states unless she agreed to work for csis as a watchdog at street level.