Thursday, March 26, 2015

population distribution by the billions

if every one of the seven billion people in the world was given one acre of land some ten million nine hundred thirty seven and five hundred square miles of land would be used. that is a square of land three thousand three hundred and seven miles to a side.

if the amount given to each person was reduced to one quarter of an acre two million seven hundred thirty four and three hundred seventy five square miles of land would be used, an area about one thousand six hundred and fifty three miles to a side. the amount of land inside the square in the video.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015


while internet-browsing images of alister crowley this photo of a plate of food came up with the other visual offerings. it led to a blog with a miscellanea of arts and culture posts. it is the method of cooking the rice that interested me. some of the authors other food posts describe her mothers cooking and reveal the truth about the chai latte.

repost from reginesenotebooks.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

townscape--wallscape no pole

the small area of grey plaster was one of the most attractive wall surfaces in toronto.

it gave some visual relief with its blank expanse against the gaudy commercialism of the hoardings.

and formed an anchor around which they all were secured in place.

soon to be replaced with another condominium no where near as attractive.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

lurking pissed-off indian nation

that time in the toronto reference library i saw an indian, a first nations person; between the shelves on the second floor, pissing on some of the books. euroese philosophy books.

i alerted the security and they removed him from library and asked me to sign a form that i would go to court when they tried to get him banned using the library for a year.

later when a letter arrived for an appointed court date i didn't bother responding, you know the poor indigenous never get a break thing, sympathy.

how the incident might be used in a fiction.

a person is being targeted by csis for the practice. one day when he is in the toronto public reference library an indian goes to the toilet door and can't open it. the indian then goes between two of the book shelves where the person targeted by csis can see him and relieved his bladder on the lower shelf of books, mostly the works of john ralston saul.

the indian is the drunk he seems and an asset of csis. in exchange for csis getting a more serious charge against him dropped, he pisses on the books in the hope that the person who views it will report it and if he dosnt his handler who is lurking nearby has another informant watching and ready to report that it happened and that the targeted person viewed the indian pissing on the books but never called for security, which csis could use against him.

either way he can't win. if he reports, they use it against him by telling aborigene lovers. and if he dosnt report it they use it as evidence to show indian haters he is sympathetic in dealing with natives. that's the way csis works.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


the things on the ground, one of the elements of townscape ivor dewolfe wrote about in his book " the italian townscape ".

dewolfe had in mind things for sale, like pots and pans or vegetables and fruit, set outside and on the ground of piazzas in italy. but the garbage on the ground should not be ignored when it comes to a study of torontos local townscape.


Monday, March 16, 2015

taber alberta complies with bill-c51

Created with #keepcalmandcarryon

even not passed and bill c-51 can be seen influencing the bylaws of some canadian municipalities.

in taber alberta a bylaw has been passed that seems to anticipate the use and abuse of bill c-51. it has been worded to exclude absolutely these behaviours, spitting, swearing, and shouting or yelling even, so that people targeted by csis, can be harassed into these human behaviours and then be fined for it.

the diffuse and disrupt activities of csis and their accomplices have been made that much easier in taber by having the local human-misbehaviour bylaw passed.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

lurking toronto zersetzunger

one of my harasseurs from before, during, and in these videos after, the diffuse and disrupt campaign csis carried out against me via accomplices similar to this one.

from across the street he could see me sitting on the mezzanine, came in, up the stairs and delivered his zersetzung.

an ethnic canadian, he is of interest because of his accent which suggest he is originally from the area of europe csis allegedly learned its d and d tactics from.

ive read that after world war two the americans secretly allowed nazis into their country for the scientific skills they had. it seems canada has been practicing a similar policy when it come to our immigration. some people, specifically informants, are being given citizenship based on their special surveillance skills and helpfulness to csis.


townscape land markers

two landmarks viewed from walmer road.

they place the viewer in the larger townscape and the local townscape

to the right-east of the church tower lies one of torontos much lauded neighborhoods. the shopping and entertainment strand for the housing on both sides of bloor street between spadina and christie subways.

to the left of the wall with the ttc logograph rises torontos radio tower. located on the lakeshore it places the walmer road area in relation to the downtown business neighborhood, a centre of toronto and the greater canadian region.


townscape--keyhole passage

example of a keyhole passage

torontos old city hall

viewed looking south from albert street.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

miss brodie's girls in syria

three ambitious girls, teenage caliphatistas, leave their families and relative safety of england. travel to syria there to provide support for volunteers fighting against euroese imperialism.

and not the only girls from that school inspired to carry out what others only dream-dream of. there has been a rush of these creatures, all raised in the permissive euroese atmosphere of great britain.

sounds like I've read this before. in the muriel spark novel prime of miss jean brodie, miss brodie a teacher and arche fascist-sympathizer with a crush on mousolinni, busies herself with grafting her own strange ambitions in the hearts of her young impressionable female charges.

one of her students, emily has a brother fighting in the spanish civil war on the republican side against the facist nationalists. brodie fantasizing him to be fighting for her beloved fascists encourages emily to travel to spain to join her brother in the war. as she travels to spain she gets herself killed by one of the two opposing sides. nothing ever changes, one hopes.

the hijabalization of these girls has been laid at the door of some previously ambitious student who had already gone over to syria. but if that even is true it gives me pleasure to think another miss brodie, this one with isis-isil sympathies, may be at work in the halls of london bethnal green academy, busying herself with ruining young lives and the pursuit of unwinnable jihad agaist the euroese caliphate.


orange peel assault

that time in the nineteenseventies several people eating lunch in the gymnasium.

one of the michelles was throwing bits of orange peel at other people and when it was my turn she missed and hit the supervising teacher in the back.

the teacher thought I threw it, when I protested my innocence and it was backed up by others including the girls sitting with the culprit she still insisted I pick it up and apologize.

she became increasingly agitated by the whole situation.

so I picked it up to shut her up. the sort of thing that gives one a pacifist reputation.



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

toronto public library--english lesson

i was sitting in the front room of the toronto reference library

along came a person and laid down for a nap, i think he may of been recharging a phone at the electrical outlet.

along came the security guards to tell him he couldn't sleep there, and to tell me the managers of the library had complained about my sitting there in the front room.

first he mentions managers then said her which is singular, one or more of them i asked and he then clarifies it for me.

when i went to the desk to ask about the complaint another guard said it was a mistake, the other security didn't understand the managers comment. whatever that might of been.

where other in the world can you be harassed by public library managers through the proxie of hired security and at the same time get a lesson in english, than in toronto?

architecture folly--llull memorial

in monserrat nine stones, eight of them steps, to the memory of raymond llull.

found at quadriformisratio, a collection of writings on the four fold practice of starry wisdom.


Monday, March 9, 2015

lurking nanotechnology implant

that time in 2003 I went to the emergency at toronto western hospital for an ear infection.

towards the end of the regular examination the receptionist came and motioned to the doctor who got up went over to her so she could tell her something that seemed to be about me.

the doctor said there was one more thing to check for and from a small packet took out something and asked me to turn my head, she then put what seemed to be something like a cotton swab with bristles on it and rubbed it on the inner surface of the canal. she then did the other ear.

I left with my prescription for ten days of antibiotic and a note so I could get a regular physician.

how this could be used in a fiction.

a person goes to the emergency of toronto western to have his ear checked for the pain it's causing him.

during the check the receptionist comes in to the back and motions to the doctor that she has something to tell her. she shows the doctor a paper and they both turn heads slightly to look at him.

the doctor says there is one thing more she has to check and gets out a small packet which she opens and before he can see what is in it she asks him to turn his head and she rubs the inside of his right ear with what feels to be a q tip with bristles on it. when she finished with that ear she uses a second of the brushes and does the other ear, again being careful to screen the object behind her free hand so he can't see what the it is. when that's over she gives him a prescription for antibiotic and an introductory letter so he can get a regular physician.

not long after that he wakes one night to what sounds like a lion wheezing in the hallway outside his bedroom. it stops when he is fully awake and he puts it down to auditory dreaming. but over the next few months the lion and other strange noises coming from the other side of the wall wake him from his sleep and then during the day he begins to hear the same sounds, all the times coming from some where on the other side of a wall.

when he checks about hearing problems and auditory hallucinations on the Internet he comes across blogs where people have been posting their similar experiences. they all have one thing in common Toronto western hospital emergency in 2003.

the bloggers claim that the military industrial complex were experimenting at toronto western hospital with some way of creating the appearance of mental illness. allegedly small nano carbon brushes are rubbed in the patients ear where the bristles break off, enter the skin through everyday movements like walking. they work their way deeper till they hit the auditory nerve which they scratch against causing noises which become more noticeable as they get closer to the nerve.

then when the person complains to a doctor about noises and no reason could be found they could be sold medication for some psycological malaise. the big pharma got their money and the dr. got reimbursed extra for implanting the nano thorns.

not long after that ...


forsythia, magnolia, daffodil

fragments of magnolia and forsythia arranged in a pool at the allen garden greenhouse.

one of the first signs of spring. carefully selected bare branches pruned from semi-dormant shrubs, soaked in a bath of water, moved to a temporary resivoir of water, and then arranged in a vase when they begin to open.

here the branches have been placed in containers of rocks submerged in the fish pond where they will not need the additional watering.


Saturday, March 7, 2015


the view through the void of the arch and beyond to the window being the detail it seems to all organize around.

Friday, March 6, 2015

fern, daffodil, palm

fernery-rockery at the allen gardens greenhouse.


canadian glomar response

video demonstrating canadian mammalian diving response.

link to article by carol linnitt describing the glomar response to her request for information on files canadas intelligence agency, csis, may or may not have on her and desmog canada.


Monday, March 2, 2015

keep amending until calm

Created with #keepcalmandcarryon

an open letter to parliament, signed by the canadian legal experts who drafted it, requesting that bill c-51 be amended or killed.


lurking ttc subway attack

the time at the eglinton station of the ttc subway. I was walking up the stairs from the platform and a guy waiting around the corner came around right at me like he was in a rush to get down the stairs. I stopped short so he could go around me that was when he slid one of his legs I think the right, between my lower legs and made a slashing movement to my left leg which if I hadn't swivelled my hips so my ass was touching the hand rail and raised my left leg over his leg he would of shoved that leg out from under me and I would of been down on my right knee.

how this could be used in a fiction.

a person is going up the stairs at the ttc eglinton subway station. at the top of the stairs another guy comes around the corner and right at the first person. the second guy thrusts his left leg between the other persons legs and immediately thrusts it to the the right. as he does that the first person raises his left leg up and over the left leg of the second guy and at the same time presses his back against the hand railing. if he hadn't done that he would of been brought to his right knee. the second guy has a look on his face as though that was what was supposed to happen and is a bit shocked it didn't, instantly regains his composure and takes off down the stairs to the train as though nothing happened.

the first guy stood for a few seconds at top of stairs looking after the retreating assailant to ponder if it should be reported. he turns to leave the subway when a recent incident at the barbwire theatre crosses and recrosses his mind. a guy brushed past his right shoulder as he stood leaning against the door frame, he swivelled his body as he did on the stairs and the guy almost fell forward on the floor, swore under his breath regained his balance and scurried off in the direction of the exit. this second guy in the subway must be one of the five eye associates of csis if not a csis agent who are not to cause bodily harm. maybe the first guy at the theatre was coincidence, but that makes two in a short space of time which is their calling card. but why now and for what reason other than practice.


design couplet--tea infuser

tea infuser in the form of a tobacco pipe.


design couplet--tea trolley

tea trolley in the form of a tobacco pipe.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

lurking canadian bill-c51

photo of the bank book from vancouver

when i moved from vancouver to toronto in 1990 i had a bag stolen. it contained a vancouver bank of montreal account book. around seventeen years later, in 2007 or 2008, i returned to my boarding house room and was looking through a rubbermaid box i kept documents in, something i had done often enough in the previous months to know what was in the box. to my surprise and wonder there was the bank book that was taken with the bag in 1990. all the transaction receipts from 1989 to 1990 but none of the other items from the bag. csis, or one of canada's five eyes surveillance partners, or kgb-fsb or mossad? maybe organized crime?

how this could be used in a fiction.

in 1990 a person has a bag stolen with identification papers and a bank of montreal account book with no money left in it.

fifteen years later while looking through a box he recently put all his documents in he is surprised to find the bank book in with the other documents. it is in good shape and none of the receipts have been removed.

attached to the bank book is a letter that after he reads it seems to have been left behind by mistake. the letter explains what happened. the bag was stolen by a csis asset and was used for something to do with defrauding money out of people.

having gotten the use intended out of the bank book they decide to return it to make it look like the person had it all along and would have the evidence on him to incriminate him for the things they used it for.

to return it they enlist the landlords help by making up a story of needing to do an unwarranted search of the tenants room for evidence. while in the room they secretly replace the bank book while pretending to look for the other evidence. they forget the attached letter with their mission instructions behind.


lurking dog walker

video from near the end of the csis diffuse and disrupt campaign against me. one of the repeat accomplices living on the same floor of the apartment as me.