the time at the eglinton station of the ttc subway. I was walking up the stairs from the platform and a guy waiting around the corner came around right at me like he was in a rush to get down the stairs. I stopped short so he could go around me that was when he slid one of his legs I think the right, between my lower legs and made a slashing movement to my left leg which if I hadn't swivelled my hips so my ass was touching the hand rail and raised my left leg over his leg he would of shoved that leg out from under me and I would of been down on my right knee.
how this could be used in a fiction.
a person is going up the stairs at the ttc eglinton subway station. at the top of the stairs another guy comes around the corner and right at the first person. the second guy thrusts his left leg between the other persons legs and immediately thrusts it to the the right. as he does that the first person raises his left leg up and over the left leg of the second guy and at the same time presses his back against the hand railing. if he hadn't done that he would of been brought to his right knee. the second guy has a look on his face as though that was what was supposed to happen and is a bit shocked it didn't, instantly regains his composure and takes off down the stairs to the train as though nothing happened.
the first guy stood for a few seconds at top of stairs looking after the retreating assailant to ponder if it should be reported. he turns to leave the subway when a recent incident at the barbwire theatre crosses and recrosses his mind. a guy brushed past his right shoulder as he stood leaning against the door frame, he swivelled his body as he did on the stairs and the guy almost fell forward on the floor, swore under his breath regained his balance and scurried off in the direction of the exit. this second guy in the subway must be one of the five eye associates of csis if not a csis agent who are not to cause bodily harm. maybe the first guy at the theatre was coincidence, but that makes two in a short space of time which is their calling card. but why now and for what reason other than practice.