three ambitious girls, teenage caliphatistas, leave their families and relative safety of england. travel to syria there to provide support for volunteers fighting against euroese imperialism.
and not the only girls from that school inspired to carry out what others only dream-dream of. there has been a rush of these creatures, all raised in the permissive euroese atmosphere of great britain.
sounds like I've read this before. in the muriel spark novel prime of miss jean brodie, miss brodie a teacher and arche fascist-sympathizer with a crush on mousolinni, busies herself with grafting her own strange ambitions in the hearts of her young impressionable female charges.
one of her students, emily has a brother fighting in the spanish civil war on the republican side against the facist nationalists. brodie fantasizing him to be fighting for her beloved fascists encourages emily to travel to spain to join her brother in the war. as she travels to spain she gets herself killed by one of the two opposing sides. nothing ever changes, one hopes.
the hijabalization of these girls has been laid at the door of some previously ambitious student who had already gone over to syria. but if that even is true it gives me pleasure to think another miss brodie, this one with isis-isil sympathies, may be at work in the halls of london bethnal green academy, busying herself with ruining young lives and the pursuit of unwinnable jihad agaist the euroese caliphate.