Monday, March 20, 2017

adrienne clarkson--gate keeper

adrienne clarkson, madame gate keeper for the illuminati of yorkgentle. recruiter of people for their cult, people for their dark rituals and sacrifices. her early years in paris spent labouring over hypnotic interrogation techniques to drag more people into satanism.
satanic madame for the local coven of yorkgentle. when she returned to canada she turned her dark interview skills to the full time service of evil. hypnotizing her interviewees into revealing details of their lives the cult can use for blackmail and sextortion.
spring or summer of 1991 sitting at her usual table in rosedale with her illuminati jew handler, watching for the media preconditioned to pass by, sipping her soup as a trigger gesture, it didn't work on me, or maybe it did in some way they didn't plan for.