Thursday, March 2, 2017

white carded

that time in 1991 i was walking back to toronto after walking out to cobourg. it was late at night, better than walking during the day, and i was somewhere between oshawa, or scarborough, and toronto when a police or rcmp car stopped and the officers got out to talk to me.
there was a tall dumb blonde guy and another guy, looked of italian heritage, the blonde asked me what i take are the usual questions, what i was doing, where i had been where i was going, he requested id and i gave him what i had which he passed to the other guy to call in to headquarters.
the headquarters had nothing on me in their files so they left after some officious advice about how scarborough would be a better place for me to go rather than toronto, strange, but then that was the blonde talking.
i continued walking west for a way down the road with no further interruption, finally stopping for the night at or near frenchmans bay. slept on the concrete deck of a rain water drain that night. sunny day and a beautiful view of the bay when i woke up.

google maps satellite image of frenchmans bay.