Thursday, August 31, 2017

electoharassment toronto

a blog devoted to demystifying electronic harassment from the perspective of some one living in toronto.

one more personal account of all the usual mysterious phenomena of counterintelligence stalking.


salvador dali--repeat after dali

" but what needs to be said, and what i wish to say here, and what people will soon tire of hearing repeated, is that the moment has finally come for calling bread bread and wine wine; the beautiful beautiful, and the ugly ugly; defects defects and virtues virtues; and that the so-called modern painting, if it remains in history, will remain as an iconographic document, or be incorporated in a degenerate branch of decorative art, but never, whatever anyone may wish, as " pictorial art ". "
salvador dali, fifty secrets of magic craftsmanship.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

canadian asylum seekers psyop

is the cia sending counterintelligence provocateurs across the border with asylum seekers, maybe all of these asylum seekers are cia agent provocateurs.

back in 1991 while living on the street for the summer i was approached by two people, a male and female, who identified themselves as americans who had escaped the usa by walking across the border into canada. it was somewhere near windsor and the guy said they kissed the ground when they got to the canadian side.

escaped from what i asked, " oh donald trump being elected as president in 2016, we wanted to get here before the crowds". they said.

they offered me orange juice which smelled of lsd. when i passed on it they turned their heads to each other with wide eyed faces as though my refusal revealed i was on to the lsd in the orange juice and them being cia provocateur border crossers.
i can't say i've seen the guy since then, but the female who went by the cia alias "half pint" has shown up beginning in 2011 as part of an increased gangstalking operation against me.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


groundscape near a subway vent at charles and yonge.

toronto gangstalker sousveillance

toronto reference library, centre of csis counterintelligence activity.
here we see an older hardened asset of csis taking a younger trainee through the steps of a pass by.
as part of her training the student gangstalker later made a complaint about being under sousveillance.

Monday, August 28, 2017

frederic taubes--painter

web site devoted to the art work of frederic taubes.

a gallery of sketches, washes, water colours, oils and his writings on pictorial arts.

a number of his books can be read at the


concrete cone


Sunday, August 27, 2017

a3society wants you


that web site of the a3 society. devoted to thinking and feeling some people are better than others and some of them have found each other and want to tell others what this means for the others like them and the ones not like them.
what they are selling is not clear and that seems to be intentional. a3 could be a sincere attempt to reach out to people who want to make the world a better place. a3 could be a cia psyop limited hangout social engineering operation.


Saturday, August 26, 2017

toronto parks

the east end of queen street. harris water treatment and pumping station. maintenance work during the summer of 2017.

Friday, August 25, 2017

cia surveillance device cat

one of those surveillance cats the cia use to spy on and harass canadians with the permission of the canadian government in return for some of the information they collect.
the cats have neural control technology implanted in their bodies which allows the cia to control their movement and actions.
waiting for me as i leave the apartment, it hisses menacingly and begins to approach for an attack which i avoid by escaping to the fire stairs.
this one belongs to the guy living at the far end of the hall near the elevators, he seems to keep it for the cia to deploy in other apartments of the toronto housing corporation.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

edward catich--lettering

biographic video about edward catich the letterer with a controversial theory about the origins of lettering on the stone monuments the romans built

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

weather cycle


yonge street at the south east corner of postal building, radio tower in distance.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

joe pompei--mind controller

the rumour is csis is using joe pompeis mind influencing megaphone to increase the number of precarious work place incidents at torontos public libraries.
they train it on street people and others to influence them subliminally to cause a disturbance which the library workers union uses to argue for more security guards (most of them immigrants) to protect the staff and public using the libraries.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

toronto gardens

wall garden at hydro station at south end of sherbourne street. a mulberry probably planted by a bird grows against a brick wall.

pigeon of the week soars


Friday, August 18, 2017

otto rahn--hiel lucifer

that scenic video found while searching for you tube clips about the euroese occultist otto rahn. one of a collection of videos at the youtube channel of rover lang.
a gargoyle in a water tank, crouched on a field of multi coloured gravel, meditating. intermittently and from above a hail of sand or rain of liquid dye falls into the water
this video is titled "in the grotto of ornolac for otto rahn", the german occultist who wrote crusade against the grail and other books about euroese occult subjects.
a sound track of aquarium bubbles and cricket chirping is punctuated with the sound of voices and music at certain points which may or may not be significant of something.
the hermetic hour podcast has a two part reading and discussion of rahns lucifers court.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

toronto wild garden

that fenced in area between two rooms of the allan garden greenhouses. a maple sapling and tree of heaven have colonized it along with the usual weeds. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

townscape corners

cylinders at the north east corner of king and sherbourne.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

canadian witch agenda

we are now at the mercy of the witches. the one law standing between canadians and witches has been struck down by the justin trudeau libertarians. no doubt under the influence of his mother and wife and with the use of witchcraft by covens from newfoundland to vancouver.
we saw this coming with his insistence on appointing a great number of these females, some or all of them witches, to his cabinet in positions where they could work their spells and philtres against parliament. in fact they probably used witchcraft to have the law struck down. we were warned about this by those who have seen it come to pass in other places and ages. why don't we learn from history.

maureen orielly--library union

one of pius nesapius informants being threatened by toronto reference library security guard.

was the 2010 election of the toronto library workers rigged to elect maureen orielly? if so who did it and why, those are the questions answered in a book by controversy theorist pius nesapius.
in "do you have any books on controlled opposition?", pius nesapius alleges that the canadian security intelligence service (csis), rigged the 2010 election of the toronto library workers union, and they did this to increase security for the surveillance state.
in his book nesapius makes a case for csis meddling in the toronto library workers union election of 2010 and the successes the winner of that election, maureen oreily has had in furthering her ( their ) agenda of regime change in toronto.
by way of a backstory to this mystery he relates some of the suspicious events going on in the years leading up to it. an increased security presence in toronto libraries began after 9/11 with the library guards getting a change of uniforms that look more police or military like. he gives one specific example of this presence, that of drew the present head of security at the reference library who showed up before 9/11. at that time it wasn't uncommon to overhear the other guards privately commenting among themselves on how incompetent drew is and how long they thought he would last.
drew is still there and in charge of the security so nesapius asks was his bumbling all a csis psyop designed to make the placement of one of their trained agents into place among the other security without creating suspicion among the people one would expect to cry foul, before doing the very same with the library workers union?
but that's all background to the main argument of the book. and that argument is csis rigged the 2010 library workers union election through replacing the ballots cast by the workers with another set which when counted would elect their candidate. one box of ballots was found on the roadside in the don valley and reported to authorities who seem to have ignored the incident and even went to some lengths to cover it up.
in 2010 the toronto library workers elected maureen orielly, a bossy, narcissistic social justice warrior for their president. orielly who dreams of having " well behaved women rarely make history " engraved on her grave stone has reigned since 2010 and guided by her csis handlers busies herself using tavistock mind control tactics to get more money from the tax payers for staff salaries and increasing the security presence in the library system both with the goal of doing something about what she claims are precarious working conditions.
nesapius goes into detail about orielly, her past as a librarian, her social justice inclinations and work with troubled youth which he attempts unsuccessfully to connect to the human trafficking gang that is rumoured to exist within the library system and which he has written about in another book.
some of the backstory taken care of he goes on to the main piece of evidence to his argument. nesapius writes that about a week after the election he was contacted by one of his informants to report that on the day of the election he went for a walk down the rose dale road behind the reference library. when he arrived at the junction to the don valley parkway he noticed a card board box on the bike path to the east side of the roadway. when he crossed the road he stopped to look at the open box and was shocked to see it full of ballots marked toronto library workers union, none of them opened. he thought it was strange since the voting was still going on.
the informant claimed to have reported his find and sent photos of the box to the library board and the toronto police later that day and was told by both contacts they would see it was looked into. he went on to tell nesapius that in the days following this report he began to be harassed by library staff, uniformed and plain clothes security at the reference library and as the days went on there was further harassment by street people, baristas in certain cafes and police in various other places around the city. what he described to nesapius had the atypical and unmistakable traits of csis counterintelligence activity also known as gangstalking.
after receiving this information nesapius began asking his network of informants in libraries across the city, he dosnt say if they were staff or library users, had any of them heard rumours among the library workers about the election. he heard back from them that there had been some talk about irregularities and rumours of strange incidents leading up to and on the day of the election which he records in the book. the library workers who had mentioned this to others on staff in charge of the election were warned not to mention anything to anyone else as it was already known and being looked into, even that it had already been taken care of.
the work of nesapius informants must of gotten back to somebody involved in the activity, one of his informants received threats from library security ( see video above ) and a letter hand delivered by a librarian escorted by another security guard, warning of his expulsion from the library if he continued to investigate the issue. while others of his informants began noticing more than their usual amount of cointelpro style gangstalking activity. this served to strengthen his impression there was something someone didn't want getting out.
nesapius claims that once staff cuts were prevented and wage incentives provided to turn the library staff into unwitting accomplices the people who rigged the election moved on to the raison dtrait of the plan, to implement the hiring of more security, what the canadian police state wanted in the first place, through the use of staged incidents with street people who were paid to do things that could be used to argue for more security.
the number of genuine precarious incidents being too small it had to be artificially increased. and for several years ahead of the 2010 election nesapius had been documenting the growing number of incidents involving street people who were causing troubles in the library. none of the trouble makers get real charges laid and are paid for their part, while those who don't cooperate are harassed till they lash out which is used in same way to argue for increased security. he thinks this activity was implemented by csis ahead of time before orielly began hammering the issue of safety in the libraries during and after her win.
even the death of rob ford finds its way into the theory. as one of the biggest threats to the plans through his relentless and careful management as a city councilman and then mayor, nesapius hints that fords death was not merely because of his budget mania rather he was on to what was going on. when standard tavistock psyop methods didn't deter him he was put out of the way with a deadly fast acting manufactured cancer provided by the people behind the operation.
with rob ford out of the way and other politicians who wanted library budget cuts fearful of the same happening to them csis could move ahead with the maintenance phase of their successful cointelpro operation. a second strike threat near fords death in 2016 followed with a equally threatening letter campaign initiated by maureen orielly but probably planned by her unknown csis handlers also seems to be another part of the psyop designed to enlist the public ( he thinks some or all of the people who participated in the letter campaign may have been paid by csis for their part in sending letters ) and make it look like a grass roots movement. with the suspicious death of rob ford fresh in their minds a majority of the councillors acquiesced with out much comment to the hate letter campaign.
so with the sjw library staff happy with salary increases and more and more security guards in the libraries of toronto, most of them immigrants, what is the next step. nesapius guesses the plan is to replace the library staff, even the board of directors with their own people who are already members of the csis controlled social justice community. nesapius records that at a recent meeting of the union they had taken as their motto disrupt and transform, a variation on the police states motto disrupt and diffuse. their tactics do seem based on the same tavistock psychological shock methods developed by tavistock and used by the police state.
he suggests it is already happening again with the recent attack by orielly against the library board for their the attempt to set up a self serve library experiment. nesapius thinks it is a csis backed attempt to push out board members who don't tow the sjw agenda and replace them with their own people. again using the hovering threat of precarious work conditions to have security on duty.
that's his description of the incidents ( i'm sure there is another more reasoned explanation )
so who was behind the removal and dumping of the ballots? it seems to me we will never know.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

toronto gardens

green iris leaves in the foreground, beyond them, sunflower, dill and mint in front of a black wind drape.

Friday, August 11, 2017

civic improvements

renovations at the canadian tire warehouse north of dupont-church on yonge.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Thursday, August 3, 2017


bird enjoys the nerve calming pleasure of a qtip massage.