Wednesday, August 30, 2017

canadian asylum seekers psyop

is the cia sending counterintelligence provocateurs across the border with asylum seekers, maybe all of these asylum seekers are cia agent provocateurs.

back in 1991 while living on the street for the summer i was approached by two people, a male and female, who identified themselves as americans who had escaped the usa by walking across the border into canada. it was somewhere near windsor and the guy said they kissed the ground when they got to the canadian side.

escaped from what i asked, " oh donald trump being elected as president in 2016, we wanted to get here before the crowds". they said.

they offered me orange juice which smelled of lsd. when i passed on it they turned their heads to each other with wide eyed faces as though my refusal revealed i was on to the lsd in the orange juice and them being cia provocateur border crossers.
i can't say i've seen the guy since then, but the female who went by the cia alias "half pint" has shown up beginning in 2011 as part of an increased gangstalking operation against me.