Friday, August 18, 2017

otto rahn--hiel lucifer

that scenic video found while searching for you tube clips about the euroese occultist otto rahn. one of a collection of videos at the youtube channel of rover lang.
a gargoyle in a water tank, crouched on a field of multi coloured gravel, meditating. intermittently and from above a hail of sand or rain of liquid dye falls into the water
this video is titled "in the grotto of ornolac for otto rahn", the german occultist who wrote crusade against the grail and other books about euroese occult subjects.
a sound track of aquarium bubbles and cricket chirping is punctuated with the sound of voices and music at certain points which may or may not be significant of something.
the hermetic hour podcast has a two part reading and discussion of rahns lucifers court.