Thursday, September 7, 2017

mysterious citynews--camh trauma

that video of local toronto reporter retraumatizing the public with the tim bosma murder.
she is helped by a trauma master, demian ( antichrist ) brown.
a strange video at youtube. some one put up posters of missing people in a forest some where in new york state. one of these missing people was a local ontario man tim bosma.
a local news show found out about a new york halloween party that used posters of missing people as party decor. the reporter went to a camh psychiatrist, asked some weird questions and received as one would expect some weird answers.
the psychiatrist made a point of how this sort of thing could retraumatize the families of the missing people if shown to them. so the reporter called up the family of bosma, i think it was to see if they agreed with the psychiatrists opinion. she claims they had no comment on the poster of their family member used as party decoration.
?evidence that the media is involved with the larger deep state psyop aided and abetted here by the psychiatric industry, in this case camh. or a comedy of error.
seems some people will do anything for their place in the cult of celebrity newscasters.