Friday, December 29, 2017

toronto neck compression times three

those three cases of neck compression in toronto, one in november two in december, of the year 2017. coincidence an elite conspiracy or weird synchronicity?

article on deaths of barry and honey sherman at national post.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

cia toronto library gaslighting

that time i infiltrated the toronto librarians gaslighting operation.


headquarters was studying the relationship between the cia (or maybe it was that deep state thing) and the toronto reference library workers.


the cia (or) had infiltrated the reference library workers. using some or all of them in a gaslighting operation trying to get people to question their short term memory as the first step in gaslighting them in a social disruption psyop.


some of the books at the reference library are in storage, you make a request for items on the computers and the books are brought to shelves in the public area. the cia would block the requests sometimes only one or two of the requested books would show up or none would.


when the person asked about why the books never came they would be asked if they checked the request shelves on the other floors, sometimes books are delivered to the wrong floor, and did you goe back and check your computer request to make sure they requested the book. sometimes the book was on another floor, and if they checked their request on the computer they sometimes found there was no request for that book.


this was to make the person think maybe they didn't request the book or if they decided not to make them think they did though they couldn't recall typing in their library card number and sending the request. they begin to question their memory, perception and sanity.

the librarians in on the cia (or) psyop were aware of this and their was to keep an eye out for it happening and when it did they were to begin other gaslighting activity against the person. this it was hoped would confirm the persons thoughts that the librarians were the ones tampering with book requests and send the person over the edge of civility into violence against the library staff giving them the opportunity to ban the person or call the police and have charges laid against them for which they receive an under the table bounty from the cia (or).


as usual i was there to draw attention away from headquarters people in the library who were studying the cia (or) psyop. my part was to go along with the blocks without letting on that i was informed on what was going on.


i would request books and hope they would be blocked. sometimes i was advised not to say anything while other times i was told to mention it to a librarian or one of the book runners so their reaction could be studied. when i did ask they would say "did you check the other floors as it may of gone there by mistake", or with a big smile, "did you check your computer request to make certain you requested it." gaslighting at its most basic.


this would happen twice and then stop for a month or two, seems to be part of the psyop, then happen again. there would also be the typical signs of counterintelligence stalking after each two incidents had passed. it began a number of years before the toronto hosting of the g 20 meeting in 2010, after that it increased for a while untill the cia (or) changed their game plan as far as i was a target. but headquarters had collected enough sousveillance while it was going on to discover some weaknesses in their psyop that might be used against them.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Friday, December 22, 2017


replacing at yonge and eglinton, december 21 2017.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

cia booksellers

that time i infiltrated the cia toronto libraries computer gaslighting operation.

headquarters was studying the intersection of how cia got material on people and then passed it on to various cafes and shops so when the person came in the cia staff informants would mention something they had been told to say when they saw the person next time. make them feel they are under surveillance.

one of our intelligence sources thought it was the toronto library systems computers the gaslighting material was coming from. the cia watching what people were doing on computers and then handing it on to people in the cafes and shops for use in the gaslighting operation.

the cia had it set up this way so if the general public became aware of the scam it would look like it was the library staff behind it all.

the person would think the librarians were doing this and goe back to the library, accuse them, maybe attack some. this would make them appear crazy to more people than themselves. as the place the info was being collected from and the people collecting it were not officially connected. only crazy people would think the toronto public librarians were gaslighting them, only crazy people would think the cia was gaslighting them. 

the particular incidents headquarters were looking into were second hand bookstores. the cia would give the employees a photo of the person they wanted gaslighted and some things to say or talk about to thit. was there any thing more than suspicions to this or were the rumours correct. headquarters had a plan to find out

as i said above headquarters had a plan to discover the cia second hand book operation. they got some books together, twelve sets of about twenty books so there would be books for each of the stores they had under sousveillance.

i was to take the books in to the second hand book stores they suspected were partners in the cia gaslighting scheme. but before i did that i was to go on line at the toronto reference library and research how much i could expect to get for them and look at the web pages of all the second hand book stores in toronto. along with some other news items and websites to provide gaslighting material. then i was to go to the bookstores twelve of them and ask what their procedure for bringing books in was. wait a few days and then take the books in and see what happened.

would they gaslight me, would they say anything to suggest they had been given information on what i had been looking on the library computers.

went to a dozen bookstores doing the same with each of the exact same set of twenty books all in one day. twelve sets of twenty books all in one day and i didn't even get to keep the money. more important i got the same response at all of them which suggested they had been fed intelligence by somebody with access to the toronto reference library computers.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

dunsany--against opioids


“The poppy has grown apace and is killing gods and fairies. Its fumes are suffocating the world, and its roots drain it of its beautiful strength.”


Excerpt From: Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany. “Fifty-One Tales.” iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.

that tale by dunsany, the giant poppy, about an earlier opioid epidemic and what they tried to do about it. a timely one considering the news on heights canadian opioid deaths are expected to reach by the end of 2017.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Sunday, December 17, 2017


that book by constantin-francois volney, "the ruins or, meditation on the revolutions of empires and the law of nature".

a man goes into the desert where he meditates on the ruins of a once great city. he goes to sleep or enters into some kind of trance. a spectre (lucifer?) appears to him and shows him the rise and fall of mans history. the spectre tells him it does not have to be this way and departs. the narrator wakes and marvels at his dream. he takes his leave from the ruins and resolves to write a book on how man can avoid any more ruin and create a world without ruin. at a price.

the book is not as interesting as i judged from the title. i had expected a book on architectural ruins, a book similar to rose macaulays pleasure of ruins, a book in praise of ruin. in lieu of that the book is a sermon against the truth of ruin. a book that is nothing less than an early version of the new world order dogma in praise of scientistical progress and usurpation of deity by man, luciferianism.

the entire text of " the ruins or, meditation on the revolutions of empires and the law of nature " can be read online at the

Friday, December 15, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

cia operation false impression

that time i infiltrated the cia false impression operation. one part of the cia sextortion operations in toronto.


the cia were using toronto dating apps as a front for a blackmail operation. they were using dating apps to set up what seemed planned meetings between people. they make a fake account for a person and when someone contacts the account they act as they were the person, set up a meeting knowing where the person was, they would send the contactee with a warning not to let on about meeting them-the person on the app.


the people they send goe in the false impression they are hooking up with an escort who will provide a date with extras. but the person they are sent to dosnt know whats going on. the cia dating client would approach ask the persons name he or she would say yes and it would goe from there.


the cia sends people to follow and watch the set up, take photos they can use for later blackmail. show their family or people they work with photos of them talking to the person and then photos of the fake dating app. these people from the cia pretend to be organized crime who saw the person making a secret hookup and intend to black mail if thit will not cooperate with their plans.

headquarters knew the cia had me on their list of people they were sending their dating app people to. my part was to bait them along. act as though i wasn't on to them, refuse any offers (most of the time) but in a way that they would continue sending people every couple of months.


this would keep them trying and inevitably showing their hand as our sousveillance operatives collected intelligence on who their unwitting clients were and what they were using the operation to get from them.


some of the ones sent my way would goe away wondering what happened (or why nothing happened). some became a little perturbed and i can imagine them becoming violent in the right place especially if helped along with the cia influencing machine to do something like kill a person.



Sunday, December 10, 2017

toronto missing gays

those deaths and missing men from torontos queer.

is canada's version of gladio killing people from torontos queer and are they doing this for the same reason natos italian gladio operatives were killing people in italy.

back in the 1970s natos secret stay behind forces began a terrorist operation in italy and several other european countries. they would bomb public places and then blame the deaths on the communists. when the operation was exposed one of the people arrested explained that they were doing this so people would turn against the communists and demand more protection from the police and military. you had to kill a few innocent, expendable people to implement the plan, gaining complete power.

is this what is going on with the missing men and deaths in torontos queer. you might not get away with bombing public places in toronto but killing a few people within an identifiable sub culture might be used to the same end as the bombings in europe were. maybe the state wants to control dating apps so they have some people using dating apps go missing and others killed so the public will ask them to police the dating app community.

kill a few queers and the ones left over run into the arms of the ones committing the disappearances, demanding more security, physical protection, and best of all surveillance.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


dog or raccoon foot prints on the subway platform of davisville ttc station

Tuesday, December 5, 2017



those planters at yonge and davisville. white plaster walls with stone coping at their feet and heads. miniature walled gardens or model architectures.


Monday, December 4, 2017

weather cycle

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Saturday, December 2, 2017

csis asset or sissy

that time i infiltrated the toronto franchise of the velvet mafias gay sex trafficking operation.

a few times a month i would go to the barbwire theatre on yonge south of wellesley which headquarters knew was a gay mafia operation. most of the time i sat and watched (sometimes there were perks) trying to behave like a csis asset so they would think that's what i was. did this for a couple of years without any evidence we had them.

then one night as i sat in the second room from the entrance watching the video playing on the television there was a small commotion. there were a few guys poking their heads around the corner of the door taking a quick look at me and then vanishing.

then one of them, a lanky guy came in and sat down beside me, seemed to have been put up to it by the others. i smiled, not really my type. he said, "oh our little sissy", i blinked, he's calling me a sissy, boy talk about the pot calling the kettle black. i said "what?" thinking his accent, belgium maybe, caused me to misunderstand.

"oh our little sissy" he repeated, the other guys were leaning in the door watching me watch them, the guy then seemed nervous was looking at the others, at me, and back to them like what now. they moved off he made a startled motion hesitated then got up and ran after them.

then it hit me, oh not sissy he said csis, he said " oh our little csis ", he meant the canadian security intelligence service, he thought i was one of their assets. his european accent made it sound like sissy. success i was on the radar of the velvet mafia and they were showing their hand, sending people to make me think my cover (as a faux csis asset) was blown.


Friday, December 1, 2017