Thursday, December 14, 2017

cia operation false impression

that time i infiltrated the cia false impression operation. one part of the cia sextortion operations in toronto.


the cia were using toronto dating apps as a front for a blackmail operation. they were using dating apps to set up what seemed planned meetings between people. they make a fake account for a person and when someone contacts the account they act as they were the person, set up a meeting knowing where the person was, they would send the contactee with a warning not to let on about meeting them-the person on the app.


the people they send goe in the false impression they are hooking up with an escort who will provide a date with extras. but the person they are sent to dosnt know whats going on. the cia dating client would approach ask the persons name he or she would say yes and it would goe from there.


the cia sends people to follow and watch the set up, take photos they can use for later blackmail. show their family or people they work with photos of them talking to the person and then photos of the fake dating app. these people from the cia pretend to be organized crime who saw the person making a secret hookup and intend to black mail if thit will not cooperate with their plans.

headquarters knew the cia had me on their list of people they were sending their dating app people to. my part was to bait them along. act as though i wasn't on to them, refuse any offers (most of the time) but in a way that they would continue sending people every couple of months.


this would keep them trying and inevitably showing their hand as our sousveillance operatives collected intelligence on who their unwitting clients were and what they were using the operation to get from them.


some of the ones sent my way would goe away wondering what happened (or why nothing happened). some became a little perturbed and i can imagine them becoming violent in the right place especially if helped along with the cia influencing machine to do something like kill a person.